Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July bants.

Happy month of July!!

bants. bant. bants.

So I'm trying to really be introspective this Summer, & clearly God is forcing me to do so, as my mind is currently not being distracted by anything as of late.

So as far as blogging is concerned,
I am not a fan of typing, nor do I like to vlogging because it requires me to be vocally eloquent (isn't that a double entendre...anyway)...but I love the concept of blogging/vlogging....that only means one thing!!! ----> I NEED to do this. Since my self-esteem is in its healing process, I see improving my writing skills and my speaking skills (as elementary as this sounds), will only help to expedite the process of it to fully heal.

As President Obama stated in his speech to the South African students on his recent visit to their country, ".....[make] choices that reflect not our fears, but our hopes."

[I am a very ceremonial person, so not having done this on the first of July is throwing me off but...] I am holding myself to the task of blogging each and everyday of this month, by His grace.

I can do this.
[I want to end here, cos it looks good...but I'll continue]

So yea. 

Things I plan to work on this month, BGG. 
LSAT study
Diplomatic decision-making
Dance & Flexibility -- creative advertisement/brand/website creation
Blogging- natuerlich
German practice [Ubung macht den Meist]
Reading list completion

oh & I would like to create a signature for myself. 

I thought.....Bola Bijou ? No? OK. BolaBijou.... I actually like it.

This is really a scary task for me to embark on, as I tend to start/plan/think up great ideas, but it never comes to fruition due to my fear of being great -- which w'ell discuss in an upcoming post.

BolaBijou <3

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