Thursday, July 4, 2013

College Monster.

If you haven't done so, check out my correct guys Mike W. & ....... Sullivan (clearly they are not my correct guys, as I have forgotten the name of the blue monster, pictured right) on the big screen again in 'Monsters University'. The marketing strategy for this movie was good too! I saw a few Monsters University ID cards with people's pictures in it on Instagram --which sparked my curiosity towards movie. So I saw it, & it was good!  & as has been the trend for many of the recent children's films, there's usually an underlying moral/advice that is applicable to the general audience (old and young), so here's what I got from it:

1. There's no 'I' in team. Use the unique strengths of each person to altogether strengthen the group dynamic, and further allow the group to be successful in all endeavors.

2. As I am reminded of a Yoruba proverb 'ma gun eshin eleshin sare' (don't use someone else's horse to race), this moral kind of hit's close to home. So the movie definitely touched on how there's no specific way to do things in life. Everyone must run their own race, basically. What helps Sally may not help Molly, vice versa tins. & that's what many tend to struggle with, especially in college. Just because your friend Tom, is able to study for a test the night before and get an 'A', doesn't mean you can do so,  and receive the same results. & such applies to many other things in life. The best way to avoid such is to truly know yourself. Know your strengths, weaknesses, unique talents, etc, & Boom! greatness happens. *SPOILER ALERT* The monsters that were especially used to exemplify this moral to me was Art & the monster with 3 eyes. In the Scaring contest, both really scared the child in a totally different way, using their physical features to scare the child. In order to do so, they had to know themselves (ex. know what was a part of them could make them appear the scariest).
Basically, run your own race

3. No matter how physically incapable you are deemed to be able to do something, passion & confidence will drive you to do it. *SPOILER ALERT* bruh, Mike was basically not scary at all, but with the confidence he had in himself, you couldn't tell him anything (I was slightly jealous of his confidence, sha. shhh. ). & his passion for Scaring. He surpassed his mates in becoming learned on the subject of Scaring. O'boy could've schooled the professor on the day of the final, if he wanted to. Yet, he wasn't physically scary. I honestly though he was going to come to this epiphany through his new found friendship with Sullivan and then drink Muscle Milk and work out to get bigger. LOL. Nope. Instead he still became a Scarer --- but not the traditional one. He became a behind-the-scenes Scarer, as he is the brains behind the Mike-Sullivan Scaring Team. So despite how he didn't make it through the path that is usually taken, he took the road less travelled...matter of fact, he created his own path & made it. Changed the game.

Two other children's films that also had such an impact on my life, both because of the great production and the life lessons it taught are 'The Princess and the Frog' and 'Wreck it Ralph'.

Rating: 6/10 - The end was not something to write home about. But Disney Pixar definitely A1'ed everything else.

BolaBijou <3

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