Saturday, March 2, 2013

First impressions.

Well, seeing how I'm a month and a half in the game, "first impressions" is definitely not the fitting title for this post.

but I'm making it anyway, because I've always wanted a "first impressions" post.

so here's everything I've noticed whilst frolicking the streets of Berlin:

-Germans, aren't helpful. No chivalry here.
                I think it was about 2 weeks ago, I was extremely shocked when a man standing near the door of the S-bahn train pressed the door open button to open the door for me. Such a small act of kindness, which I'm used to being from sweet ol' Southern hospitality Georgia, was mind blowing for me, because I'd never experienced such a thing in my being here. Like seriously, babes could be carrying 5 grocery bags trying to get into the mall or something. Whoever is behind you could literally just watch you suffer trying to get that door open (OK, well I may be exaggerating a bit), but I have had a situation happen where a guy walked into the mall, and I was trailing behind him, and he didn't even bother to try and open the door for me. So yes. Which is why at that point in time two weeks ago, I didn't expect the guy to do such a thing. So sweet. I think the reason for such behavior brings me to my next "what I've noticed"......

-Germans mind their own.
                    They mind their own to the point that it influences their "stand offish" demeanor, as well as their public chivalrous acts (ie holding the door open, etc). Honestly, the Germans I've come in contact with are really nice! Not even counting the locally embassy staff members, because the American embassy is literally as if one is stepping back into America without entering a plane, so the locs (haha) of the embassy have definitely been "Americanized" (to an extent). So counting the cashiers, store associates, and .... store associates (because they're the only ones that are paid to ask if you're OK).....WELL now that I've processed my thoughts via typing....I've never really had a conversation with other Germans besides the ones at my workplace. So I can't really say I have a point to make as to whether or not they are really nice. But I can say that from what I've observed, they mind their own.  Like whoo. Always a quiet ride from home to embassy and back. Everyone is literally minding their business and just being efficient. They do not play with their time. So if you're a girl, definitely don't expect for a guy to hit on you while you wait for a train. They know the time and place for all of that (in the club, etc) .  Speaking of time....

-Do not mess with a German and his/her time.
                        OK it's really not that serious. But they are very time conscious, and hard working, and responsible. I mean there are anomalies here and there, but that's everywhere. & in as much as they are hard working, they make time for vacay, mehn. So it's a good balance overall, over here. Alot of these things I learned while in my German class, so it's really just me experiencing it first hand. S/O to the GSS Department. much love to them for getting me prepared for this trip, through coursework and conversation. muah.

                is probably somewhere in Germany's (Berlin's) motto, because they have nailed this to a tee. Oh yea, efficiency and environmental friendliness. 
                           The trains come every 5 minutes, even if i'm late to work, i'm not late. The way they connected their city through buses and trains, etc. is amazing.  Like BVG will win if put up against MARTA. Not sure about DC or other more major metropolitan cities in America.

Let me stop short in my raving of Berlin. This is all not to say that this city is better than anywhere else. Just spitting out facts & the cool things I've noticed.

-Graffiti. Everywhere. Colorful. Vulgar. Dominant. Vibrant. Words. Expressions. Gang signs. English. German. Graffiti.

-Throw a skinny girl in Berlin, and she'll fatten up quick.
                                 Around every corner, there is a bakery store, ready and willing to sell their sweet, delicious assortment of baked goods to you. Some of them are too sweet, even for me. The Ohrkuche was like literally taking a bag of sugar and eating it up. It was that sweet. But anyway, it is true that Berlin is full of coffee shops and bakeries. It's like the gas stations of America. The corner stores of the UK. .......& the Wurst!!!!& the Doener!!!!!

-You have to press a button for the door to open on the train.
                     The doors don't open automatically. I'm wondering if this was intentionally done by the engineers of the BVG system to save money/energy. 

-The architecture is A1.
 I'm always wondering why I see peoples albums on Facebook of their visit to Berlin or Rome or Paris or Madrid or (insert architecturally beautiful city here...don't insert Atlanta. lol) filled with random pictures of buildings. Man, in as much as one wants to capture the architecture and share with your friends via picture, it's one of those things where a picture cannot justify the awe of just standing in front of such architecture in person and just being in awe! I had that awe moment today. I took a walk through my hood, Pankow (Pan-cow...i pronounced it this way, but it's actually pronounced "pan-koh"), and the pretty design of even the apartments alone were just....whoo! Words cannot express how awesome it was to just stare at the buildings and take pictures. Sound's boring, but it was super fun. 

Ok I'm slick tired, and this is getting long. so Part 2 coming sooon....

Oh yes, and picture slideshow definitely coming soon! :D

in Part 2: loyal dogs, fashion (this might be long), diverse berlin, among other things.

-OB <3

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