Thursday, March 14, 2013

I'm a sucker for love again.

So while watching Tollybabygirl's YouTube video's of her and her guy, I fell in love with the idea of love/being in a relationship all over again. 
Shout out to them. I know their relationship is definitely not perfect, and they may even break up like tomorrow, but thanks for showing a real and genuine relationship through your videos. 

Here is one ofthe songs I'm currently jamming to, of which I found out about while watching her recent video. 
SILE x Nasir ft. OC Nicotine & Itunu
(I love when I find good songs that are super underground)

Ok, well I can;t find it via the external link blogger provides to search for YouTube video's but here is one of this Youtube users recent video's, which features the song. 
The chorus definitely makes the song. & Itunu's part is good too. 

-OB <3

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Genesis 2:24 

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