Friday, March 8, 2013

Interesting things from yesterday.

Ok. So I didn't get to go to the art exhibit opening as planned (boo, no free wine :/ ) , but I did try a caramel shortcake for the first time.

To say this baked good is amazing would be an understatement.
Whoo. Is all I have to say. 

I got this beauty from Balzac Coffee. Ya'll, the struggle to find a baked good that that looked good and looked worth my money was real. So needless to say, when I saw Balzac Coffee shop at the Potsdamer Platz U bahnhof entrance, the first thing I noticed was the wonderful assortment of various baked goods. That carrot cake was looking good too, but I had that yesterday. & plus, I wanted to try something new. Whoo. Yes. 

Ok moving on. 

Learned much about National Parks in the U.S. today, as well as the National Park Services as an institution. Definitely will be visiting the Atlanta Regional Office, BGG, to see my homie Don, and will look into partaking in the "Rails and Trails" Program. 

North Korea apparently has issued a nuclear threat against U.S., which opened up an interesting conversation between myself and my coworkers about North Korea, the commy regime in place there, and the effect on it's citizens. It's amazing when you sit down and think that there are people around the world, that are not granted the same freedoms as you are. & they literally cannot escape from it, and are shot if they tried. They are even taught, that their standard of living and economy is great (even though its poor, relatively speaking), and they don't realize that that there are other countries doing better than them, because propaganda and government controlled media outlets, education, etc is holding them back from "seeing the light". It really makes me appreciate my freedoms even more, and causes me to shake my head even more at those that take adantage of these freedoms, as with the whole gun violence/gun debate goign on today. I could go on and on, but I really don't feel like typing further.

What else.....

If I remember, I will definitely make another post. (Sidenote to self: grrr this is why I shouldn't have stopped my journal keywording. grr. grr.grr.)

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