Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My first visitor!

So, the Embassy is hosting/sponsoring a visit of an NPS Park Ranger over the next few days, as part of the PD/Econ Innovation Fund. & this park ranger just happens to be from the same city as yours truly, ALANNUUHHHHH (Atlanta, GA).

So yes, I am in the mindset that he is my first visitor from the States, despite how he did not come on my invitation, nor did he and I ever cross paths while in Atlanta.

Ranger Don is originally from Iowa, and this is his first time back in Berlin since his first visit ten years ago, for similar reasons- the ITB.

What is the ITB (Internationale Tourismusbörse), you may ask?

Apperently it is a wonderful fair that takes place over the course of five days, and it's pretty much a fair filled with exhibitors that are advertising/promoting tourism and trade, from all over the world (Buisnessmen from Africa were also arriving from various flights today...I'm assuming for the same reason). Seriously though, I had to look at the list of vendors/ people with booths as part of one my tasks last week, and there are beacoup ("boo koo" french word meaning alot. Used to be a popular slang among the Black community) hotel vendors coming from the States, advertising about their hotel. Mmm, gotta love America's opportunistic and consumer-friendly spirit.
 So ya. the Fair is to start on Wednesday, and will end on Sunday.

For more information, visit http://www.itb-berlin.de/

Apperently, I heard it's great fun.

So yes, we are hosting my homie Don, and he has a set itinerary put together by my coworkers, all of which support the overarching mission of the Innovation Fund, which is to increase the German interest towards ecotourism in the U.S. (in short, and among other things).

I and my coworker Connie went to the airport to welcome him and take him to the hotel.

Man, did he bring in the Atlanta energy, because I started crying as soon as I shook his hand.

Naw. Joking.

I decided to share these things with you all, just to give you a bit of the inside information on what I do/what goes down in the cultural-programs side of the office. But definitely a more formal/official blog post of everything that relates to the office to come.

By the way, Did you know? that one, this is the largest embassy, staff wise, with about 600 employees?
Also, there was another sequestration (budget cuts) in the 1990's that resulted in American staff at the embassy to stay home furloughed while the German staff were the only ones able to still work.

-OB <3

"You love never fails it never gives up, it never runs out on me."
  -verse from One Thing Remains x Jesus Culture.

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