Monday, March 25, 2013

Til Schweiger.

So fine, he deserved his own blog post. 
& he is a phenomenal actor, by the way. 
Sigh, I'm in love. 

If you want to know more about my crush, click here


The two best German movies I've seen, by far. 
Kudos to Til Schweiger (& bros is fine by the way).
If you love romcoms, then you are in for a treat. I cried at the end of the sequel. 


New blog posts coming soon.

-Niggers in Germany.

-First impressions part 2.

- Germany so far (picture slide show)

-Sweden (picture/video slideshow)

Get excited!

-OB <3

The American Dream.

So I was in the middle of working on a presentation that I'll give tomorrow to German high school students about the American dream, and I stumbled upon this picture.

I couldn't help but post it to my blog.

Is the American dream still alive today?

Let me know your thoughts,

-OB <3

Sunday, March 17, 2013

San sushi.

So I didn't go to Lange Nacht an der Museen as planned, which i'm still bummed out about as of yet, but hey, God has a reason for such & when I remember that, I feel a little better. So, BGG, I'm going to spend this week and next week visiting museums and stuff.

So, Sanssouci with my intern friends was a blast.
It's a palace in Potsdam!
Potsdam is cool. The weather was mad deceiving though, so I got sick while walking through the gardens, hence why I couldn't partake in Lange Nacht an Der Museen in the evening.

Pictures coming soon.

I haven't forgotten about the other 2 picture slideshows. I just need to go ahead and do it. smh.


Today, I went to an art museum in Charlottenburg.
That was nice.

It was really cool to just roam through the various rooms and look at the artwork, paintings, sculptures, and all.

It really made me appreciate the area of art more & I could definitely relate, being a dancer myself.

O & I fell in love with Henri Mantisse 's work.
simply beautiful.

I think this one was called, "Blue Nude Woman" 


Friday, March 15, 2013

H&M lipstick.

Pucker up ladies!

I found a lipstick that is legit!

Surprisingly, H & M lipstick is really good!

so here are the pros:
-very vibrant
-lasts long
-very soft on the lips
-easily applicable
-looks great in photos (kind of the same with very vibrant)
-affordable! costed me only 5 euros. that's like 6-8 american dollars.


With this lipstick, the pros definititely outweigh the cons, unless you can't stand having a red mark on the bread you're eating...or whatever it may be that you're eating. 

Any way.

Looking forward to this weekend, BGG. 

-OBB <3

"I am born in His image. I am a gift to this world"

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I'm a sucker for love again.

So while watching Tollybabygirl's YouTube video's of her and her guy, I fell in love with the idea of love/being in a relationship all over again. 
Shout out to them. I know their relationship is definitely not perfect, and they may even break up like tomorrow, but thanks for showing a real and genuine relationship through your videos. 

Here is one ofthe songs I'm currently jamming to, of which I found out about while watching her recent video. 
SILE x Nasir ft. OC Nicotine & Itunu
(I love when I find good songs that are super underground)

Ok, well I can;t find it via the external link blogger provides to search for YouTube video's but here is one of this Youtube users recent video's, which features the song. 
The chorus definitely makes the song. & Itunu's part is good too. 

-OB <3

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Genesis 2:24 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sverige Sweden.

Guys, a video compilation of how my travel day/night yesterday is coming soon. Words can't explain how crazy it was yesterday, but braah. I'll let that video do the explaining.


I am in Lund, Sweden for my "spring break", which is basically only lasting a weekend for me.

There is a family that is friends with my dad here, and so I decided to go and visit them,  you know to have a change of environment and what not.

Just chilin' so far.

I'll be updating my journal soon.

I went bike riding earlier, by the way.

fun. fun. fun.

Bike riding in Lund.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Interesting things from yesterday.

Ok. So I didn't get to go to the art exhibit opening as planned (boo, no free wine :/ ) , but I did try a caramel shortcake for the first time.

To say this baked good is amazing would be an understatement.
Whoo. Is all I have to say. 

I got this beauty from Balzac Coffee. Ya'll, the struggle to find a baked good that that looked good and looked worth my money was real. So needless to say, when I saw Balzac Coffee shop at the Potsdamer Platz U bahnhof entrance, the first thing I noticed was the wonderful assortment of various baked goods. That carrot cake was looking good too, but I had that yesterday. & plus, I wanted to try something new. Whoo. Yes. 

Ok moving on. 

Learned much about National Parks in the U.S. today, as well as the National Park Services as an institution. Definitely will be visiting the Atlanta Regional Office, BGG, to see my homie Don, and will look into partaking in the "Rails and Trails" Program. 

North Korea apparently has issued a nuclear threat against U.S., which opened up an interesting conversation between myself and my coworkers about North Korea, the commy regime in place there, and the effect on it's citizens. It's amazing when you sit down and think that there are people around the world, that are not granted the same freedoms as you are. & they literally cannot escape from it, and are shot if they tried. They are even taught, that their standard of living and economy is great (even though its poor, relatively speaking), and they don't realize that that there are other countries doing better than them, because propaganda and government controlled media outlets, education, etc is holding them back from "seeing the light". It really makes me appreciate my freedoms even more, and causes me to shake my head even more at those that take adantage of these freedoms, as with the whole gun violence/gun debate goign on today. I could go on and on, but I really don't feel like typing further.

What else.....

If I remember, I will definitely make another post. (Sidenote to self: grrr this is why I shouldn't have stopped my journal keywording. grr. grr.grr.)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Google Doodle.

I was really fascinated by Google's doodle from March 4, 2013, which basically commemorated the 81st birthday of Miriam Makeba, late South African civil rights leader and singer. 

Thanks for making me smile Monday, Google.

-OB <3

Vapiano's review.

Yesterday evening, I and a few of my coworkers decided to grab some dinner at a restaurant called Vapiano's. It's a fast food Italian restaurant.
When we got to the restaurant, which is located at Potsdamer Platz, I was told by a coworker that had been to the restaurant before, that they give you a card upon entering, and you basically stand in different lines and order up, and they charge it all on your card. I knew from that point, that this would be an interesting experience. So yes, as it turns out, this restaurant is different from your regular ol' Olive Garden in the sense that you wait in line, place your order, and they prepare your order right there in front of you as you are standing. So, needless to say, you wait your turn to get to the front and place your order. Despite how interestingly different this system was, I must say, while standing for like 10 minutes near the cook preparing the meal for the person in in front of me causing me to be able to smell the aroma and therefore increasing my hunger, I was just thinking about how much I preferred the old fashioned sit at a table and be waited on, system. The atmosphere of the restaurant was nice though, and by the time I got my food, (I ordered the Funghi Pasta....only because it's similar to my name. I didn't know what else to choose, so I was left with taking that route....Not a bad choice!) I was just ready to sit somewhere and enjoy my 6 Euro 25 cent worth of food. Which brings me to the money part. Definitely one of the things that has me a bit perturbed about eating there last night. Despite how the food was good, it definitely could've been a  more reduced price. Like reduced by 2 Euro 25 cent. The portion was not worth the money, and the meal was meatless. It also was not even a meal, seeing how I wasn't given complimentary garlic bread. So ya, definitely not worth the amount I paid. 
But my dish was good!
 I ordered a Funghi- Austernpilze, Champignons, Sahnesauce ( oyster mushroom, mushroom, and creamsauce). 
Once I added olive oil to that thing, man, it was hittin'!!!

So I did enjoy my food, but I really wish I had a larger portion (& it had meat!!!), or paid less (either one would've been fine.)
The place also had a nice ambience to it. Great for a night on the town, date night, or just hanging out with your coworkers, as I did!

Overall rating: 3.5 
I see from their website, that they're also located in DC, so if any of my DMV people want to check it out  for themselves check out for more details. 

The different stations where one orders. Source:online

-OB <3

P.s.- That picture slideshow is coming soon, promise! I know y'all are probs tired of seeing paragraphs upon paragraphs of info.

#Iammorethanaconqueror through my Savior, Jesus Christ. [Romans 8:37]

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My first visitor!

So, the Embassy is hosting/sponsoring a visit of an NPS Park Ranger over the next few days, as part of the PD/Econ Innovation Fund. & this park ranger just happens to be from the same city as yours truly, ALANNUUHHHHH (Atlanta, GA).

So yes, I am in the mindset that he is my first visitor from the States, despite how he did not come on my invitation, nor did he and I ever cross paths while in Atlanta.

Ranger Don is originally from Iowa, and this is his first time back in Berlin since his first visit ten years ago, for similar reasons- the ITB.

What is the ITB (Internationale Tourismusbörse), you may ask?

Apperently it is a wonderful fair that takes place over the course of five days, and it's pretty much a fair filled with exhibitors that are advertising/promoting tourism and trade, from all over the world (Buisnessmen from Africa were also arriving from various flights today...I'm assuming for the same reason). Seriously though, I had to look at the list of vendors/ people with booths as part of one my tasks last week, and there are beacoup ("boo koo" french word meaning alot. Used to be a popular slang among the Black community) hotel vendors coming from the States, advertising about their hotel. Mmm, gotta love America's opportunistic and consumer-friendly spirit.
 So ya. the Fair is to start on Wednesday, and will end on Sunday.

For more information, visit

Apperently, I heard it's great fun.

So yes, we are hosting my homie Don, and he has a set itinerary put together by my coworkers, all of which support the overarching mission of the Innovation Fund, which is to increase the German interest towards ecotourism in the U.S. (in short, and among other things).

I and my coworker Connie went to the airport to welcome him and take him to the hotel.

Man, did he bring in the Atlanta energy, because I started crying as soon as I shook his hand.

Naw. Joking.

I decided to share these things with you all, just to give you a bit of the inside information on what I do/what goes down in the cultural-programs side of the office. But definitely a more formal/official blog post of everything that relates to the office to come.

By the way, Did you know? that one, this is the largest embassy, staff wise, with about 600 employees?
Also, there was another sequestration (budget cuts) in the 1990's that resulted in American staff at the embassy to stay home furloughed while the German staff were the only ones able to still work.

-OB <3

"You love never fails it never gives up, it never runs out on me."
  -verse from One Thing Remains x Jesus Culture.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

poor,but sexy.

I was told that the mayor of Berlin (Wowereit) once used these adjectives to describe this city.
"Berlin ist arm, aber sexy."

They use "sexy" the way we use "turn up". such an overused colloquilaism.

Other words that are used in every day language here.


I can't think of any/ I haven't really been around Berlin youth to really here the slang they use. I heard they use "schwul" (gay) alot too.

But yea, let me elaborate more on how I can really see this statement to be true.

Berlin is not only a city where tourists are aimlessly flocking about on a good sunny day (I've been hearing english alot more lately on my various journies, now that the sun is out. haha). It's also a city full of young people. Young people studying, working, or just trying to make it pursuing their artist passion. It is a very hipster city, as I have heard it to be. I, not being hipster, do not indulge in any hipster activities, but I do watch from afar. & It's such an interesting culture. The berlin culutre that is. Also very diverse, with splotches of cultural communities here and there- like the place where I went to do my eyebrows *no comment on the actual experience itself, nor the outcome*...I believe it is a Turkish community. & then the area where I go to church....seems Turkish, but might be Polish...I be seeing some Polski conversation (or what I think to be Poliski). So there are older people here to with families, and what not, but the young at heart outweigh the old. So that's part of the reason for the "Sexy". Another reason is the fashion. My goodness. If Berliners are "poor" they don't look like it. If the city of Berlin looks poor (due to the somewhat grungy, historic look of the buildings and the streets, and also the "dirtiness" of the streets), the people sure don't. Berliners aim to look rich, at all times. Man.Their fashion sense is not on point in my book, but best believe they know how to spend their money on clothing that will last a good 5 years. Shops like Zara, H&M, Vero Moda, and Mango, are liek every day shops women shop at. & the motive is not really to look en vogue (if anything, their eyewear may be the only thing that has a name brand on it...and it looks good, i must say) or to say they are wearing such and such brand. It's the durability that matters to them. The quality. & through that mindset, they are always sure to spend their money on the nicer clothes in life, and they can also have their cheap groceries to thank, among other things, for allowing them to do so. Poor, but Sexy.

P.S. Hibernating time is over,  the sun is out, it's getting warmer & babes is definitely putting on her tourist hat & is ready to explore every nook and cranny of Berlin. Already took a few pictures when I mistakenly stumbled upon a good tourist spot that resembles Paris and Italy/Rome (as if I've been before. lol)

Bola the Explora!

Pictures to come soon!

-OB <3

First impressions.

Well, seeing how I'm a month and a half in the game, "first impressions" is definitely not the fitting title for this post.

but I'm making it anyway, because I've always wanted a "first impressions" post.

so here's everything I've noticed whilst frolicking the streets of Berlin:

-Germans, aren't helpful. No chivalry here.
                I think it was about 2 weeks ago, I was extremely shocked when a man standing near the door of the S-bahn train pressed the door open button to open the door for me. Such a small act of kindness, which I'm used to being from sweet ol' Southern hospitality Georgia, was mind blowing for me, because I'd never experienced such a thing in my being here. Like seriously, babes could be carrying 5 grocery bags trying to get into the mall or something. Whoever is behind you could literally just watch you suffer trying to get that door open (OK, well I may be exaggerating a bit), but I have had a situation happen where a guy walked into the mall, and I was trailing behind him, and he didn't even bother to try and open the door for me. So yes. Which is why at that point in time two weeks ago, I didn't expect the guy to do such a thing. So sweet. I think the reason for such behavior brings me to my next "what I've noticed"......

-Germans mind their own.
                    They mind their own to the point that it influences their "stand offish" demeanor, as well as their public chivalrous acts (ie holding the door open, etc). Honestly, the Germans I've come in contact with are really nice! Not even counting the locally embassy staff members, because the American embassy is literally as if one is stepping back into America without entering a plane, so the locs (haha) of the embassy have definitely been "Americanized" (to an extent). So counting the cashiers, store associates, and .... store associates (because they're the only ones that are paid to ask if you're OK).....WELL now that I've processed my thoughts via typing....I've never really had a conversation with other Germans besides the ones at my workplace. So I can't really say I have a point to make as to whether or not they are really nice. But I can say that from what I've observed, they mind their own.  Like whoo. Always a quiet ride from home to embassy and back. Everyone is literally minding their business and just being efficient. They do not play with their time. So if you're a girl, definitely don't expect for a guy to hit on you while you wait for a train. They know the time and place for all of that (in the club, etc) .  Speaking of time....

-Do not mess with a German and his/her time.
                        OK it's really not that serious. But they are very time conscious, and hard working, and responsible. I mean there are anomalies here and there, but that's everywhere. & in as much as they are hard working, they make time for vacay, mehn. So it's a good balance overall, over here. Alot of these things I learned while in my German class, so it's really just me experiencing it first hand. S/O to the GSS Department. much love to them for getting me prepared for this trip, through coursework and conversation. muah.

                is probably somewhere in Germany's (Berlin's) motto, because they have nailed this to a tee. Oh yea, efficiency and environmental friendliness. 
                           The trains come every 5 minutes, even if i'm late to work, i'm not late. The way they connected their city through buses and trains, etc. is amazing.  Like BVG will win if put up against MARTA. Not sure about DC or other more major metropolitan cities in America.

Let me stop short in my raving of Berlin. This is all not to say that this city is better than anywhere else. Just spitting out facts & the cool things I've noticed.

-Graffiti. Everywhere. Colorful. Vulgar. Dominant. Vibrant. Words. Expressions. Gang signs. English. German. Graffiti.

-Throw a skinny girl in Berlin, and she'll fatten up quick.
                                 Around every corner, there is a bakery store, ready and willing to sell their sweet, delicious assortment of baked goods to you. Some of them are too sweet, even for me. The Ohrkuche was like literally taking a bag of sugar and eating it up. It was that sweet. But anyway, it is true that Berlin is full of coffee shops and bakeries. It's like the gas stations of America. The corner stores of the UK. .......& the Wurst!!!!& the Doener!!!!!

-You have to press a button for the door to open on the train.
                     The doors don't open automatically. I'm wondering if this was intentionally done by the engineers of the BVG system to save money/energy. 

-The architecture is A1.
 I'm always wondering why I see peoples albums on Facebook of their visit to Berlin or Rome or Paris or Madrid or (insert architecturally beautiful city here...don't insert Atlanta. lol) filled with random pictures of buildings. Man, in as much as one wants to capture the architecture and share with your friends via picture, it's one of those things where a picture cannot justify the awe of just standing in front of such architecture in person and just being in awe! I had that awe moment today. I took a walk through my hood, Pankow (Pan-cow...i pronounced it this way, but it's actually pronounced "pan-koh"), and the pretty design of even the apartments alone were just....whoo! Words cannot express how awesome it was to just stare at the buildings and take pictures. Sound's boring, but it was super fun. 

Ok I'm slick tired, and this is getting long. so Part 2 coming sooon....

Oh yes, and picture slideshow definitely coming soon! :D

in Part 2: loyal dogs, fashion (this might be long), diverse berlin, among other things.

-OB <3