Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Speed Limit 8

I took notice of this sign for the first time as I was driving into the parking garage of my office. I have been driving into this garage for three days a week at least since January. This awareness was a grounding technique.

Grounding Techniques, as described by PyschCentral, are strategies that help connect or “ground” you in the present moment. They’re essentially a form of mindfulness, which has been shown to help many different mental health conditions. They involve intentionally using your five senses to take note of exactly what you're hearing, feeling, seeing, touching, and smelling in that very moment, as a way to bring you 'back to earth' or back to your here and now. 

This was an unintentional grounding, but needed, nonetheless. I am quite prone to staying in my thoughts, but when I got acquainted with this practice, it has been a bit of a help in reducing the anxiety that said thoughts bring about. 

I am currently experiencing anxiety about my upcoming travel plans, the future, and a situation I am trying to bring back under control. Seeing the speed limit 8 this morning reminded me of exactly where I am right now, and such reminder is comforting. 

In balancing my anxiety with joy, I am excited to be away from my normal for a few weeks, the ways in which I plan to conceptualize (and add a digital component to) my travels and seeing my family/friends. 

Funmi Oke 

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