Thursday, November 9, 2023


 A random scroll through twitter brought about this blogpost. There was a post where a lady duly noted that the marketing for the new Mean Girls movie puts things in perspective when it comes to age and time, emphasizing on how the new mean girls is "not like your mother's mean girls". The accuracy of this statement is a debate I'd rather not get into, but it did remind me of the three ages in my life that make up the title of this blog post.

When I was 12 (20 years ago, next year), this move came out, and the boy I liked (sigh, my first crush - heart eyes...or maybe second) copied that movie for me in the most boot leg manner onto a VHS, just so I could watch it. Shout out to you wherever you are, Justin Taylor. I think I gave him one of my parent's movies to copy it onto, so I feel like I got in a lot of trouble for that. That memory is a bit blurry. 

When I was 22 (10 years ago, next year), I was finishing university, watching all the YouTube influencers that were starting their careers, growing my natural hair, and preparing to start my Masters program in the United Kingdom. I also had a lot of depressive moments that year over the age I was turning and what felt like a lack of progression in my career aspirations (too much comparing and not enough enjoyment, killed the youthful exuberance here). Oh, and I had a couple of blog posts under my belt on this blog :) 


I'll be turning 32 next year, by the grace of God, and it is really interesting and amazing to see all that I have accomplished in the past 10 years. Not even just career wise, but I think I have made so much progress in "the battle of the mind" if you will - I try as much as possible to put things into perspective nowadays, grounding myself, and controlling my content (12 and 22 y/o Funmi, you all would be astonished by the content-driven society that we live in now). 

These are really interesting markers in my life to point out, simply because the year prior to each marker was quite fantastic/seminal (or just the span of both years put together. Should I list them out? OK I should/would: 2003/2004 went UK for the first time, and Naij 2013/2014 did an internship with the U.S. Embassy Berlin graduated from the University of Georgia went UK for Masters 2023/2024 move to Dallas, TX work at top law firm oke legal group.....other things loading? 

the story continues.....

The only time you should look back, is to see how far you've come. 

Funmi Oke

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