Monday, November 27, 2023

" it’s farewell winshape *dramatic pause*

...right here is right where I belong"

 In efforts to capture a memory from my late teens to early twenties that I believe has not yet been captured, here's me writing about my experience working at Winshape Camps the summer after my freshman year of college (no photos will follow sha. It's on my Facebook if you have the access and interest).

My job as a camp counselor at WinShape Camps, a Christian camp sponsored (read: created) by the founders of Chick-fil-a was very on brand with my Christian walk at the time I took the position. A couple months prior, I had assumed the role of founding President of the Bethel Campus Fellowship, a role I took so seriously that I stopped going to parties, etc. That's neither here nor there - back to WinShape. Actually, it is in fact both here and there, because to aid in said commitment, I joined another Christian fellowship that some friends in my residence hall were a part of, and without me joining this ministry, I wouldn't have known about WinShape. While the name of that ministry escapes me, I found out about the summer gig through them. I applied, and, as they say, the rest is history (or in this case, the rest is my summer 2011). 

This was my first introduction to having responsibilities. I had to make sure the girls (my campers) were up and ready at a certain time each day. While we had time off, we were mostly on call throughout the summer. This was one of my favorite jobs till date, I can't lie. Not only was I able to tap into my creative side with the activities I put together for the girls, I also leaned into my mothering side, if you will. The girls were middle school age, and that of course comes with all the puberty feels. Given that this summer stint was more than 10 years ago, I only have faint memories from the experience, but I do remember leading some crafts (the cooking craft was my favorite, and I still utilize a green beans recipe from one of the cooking classes that I led). I also remember one of my campers' selflessness in assisting another camper when her food spilled (she literally dove to the ground and picked up all the spilled food. It brought me to tears, and she of course won the spirit award for that session). I remember allison crandall and my fairy camp counselor best friend (I wonder where she is today). I remember getting so dark. I remember the Chick-Fil-a Fridays. And lastly, I remember the chants. 

We had a competition to see which tribe could put on the best end of session musical chant. Ours was to the tune of Tangled's "When Will My Life Begin". While I don't remember the words to ours (we clearly didn't win), the ending to the winning chant is the title of this blog post (clear winner for a reason). 

Another chant that has stuck to me since I learned it from a devotion morning is "I am OK, because Christ rules the day". As elementary as this chant goes, it has given me a sense of calm throughout my adult life so far. It's amazing how the most seemingly inconsequential experiences actually stick to you and (sometimes) help you get through the consequential. 

At the time, I thought I was just there for the money and a good time (I barely took time off so when I returned to UGA in the fall of 2011, I was money bags Funmi, Funmi Fundssss), but who knew I'd gain something that money can't buy? 

Here's to the chants that stick with us and carry us through our days. 

Funmi Oke 

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