Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Summer reads.

Sorry for the interruption. I've been on a cleanse that has kept me away from anything internet related. 

I wanted to go ahead and compile my summer reading list.  This list is a combination of books that have been recommended, have piqued my interest, or are related to my career growth/development. I look forward to taking a deep dive and share my thoughts on them by the last day of summer (September 23, 2023). They range from non-fiction to fiction, as the eclectic babe that I am. 

2023 Summer Reading List 


Maame - Jessica George 

Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut

Catch-22 - Joseph Heller 

Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov

His Only Wife - Peace Adzo Medie 

Non Fiction 

My Watch - Olusegun Obasanjo 

Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler 

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up - Marie Kondo 

Homo Deus - Yuval Noah Harare 

For Women and the Nation: Funmilayo Ransome Kuti of Nigeria - Cheryl Johnson-Odim and Nina Emma Mba  

5 +5 is a great kickstart.

If I am able to pick up more, even better. Please recommend some books in the comments section. 

Compiling this list reminds me of some aspects of my childhood. Memories of going to the library and going section (or stall) by section (stall?) looking for great books to escape into. The art of reading was a gift passed on to me by my parents, and I intend to pass that on to my own children. 

Here's to getting back to my first love and discovering new worlds along the way. 

xo tito 

p.s. - putting this down here to clear my thoughts on this (and no one really gets to the bottom, do they?): after having gone on one date in the past weekend and cancelled two, it is safe to say that I'm not the babe that relishes in the male gaze (I knew this, maybe I just didn't want to come to terms with it). I am very much a "if the opportunity arises to date or meet someone that I find interesting - maybe from presentation, their achievements, or (admittedly, superficially speaking), their looks, I don't mind going for it" type of lady. Definitely not someone that goes on dates or meets people just for the sake of it or to pass time.  If it didn't dey, it didn't dey, as they say. 

It's all for the best though, as I continue to learn to manage by time more efficiently, doing what works for me. Here's to self development, self learning, and improvement. 

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