Sunday, August 23, 2015

Set Sunday.

I have implemented a new segment to my blog, set Sunday. Sundays are normally my rest days (in true Christian fashion...wait it may actually be get the picture), but every other Sunday, I will be giving you all a chance to provide feedback for me for this blog, in terms of direction, the content you all would like to see, etc.

The title of the blog is actually "Set-it-up Sunday", but as it is right now, it is more succinct & catchy, as I like my blog titles to be. 

As I stated, I will provide you all with the opportunity to articulate your thoughts. This may be a temporary instalment as I get this blog up and running, and thus I would like for my first few viewers to have a chance at a say-so in its direction. My monetary-less way of saying 'thank you' for your reading and support! Your name/username will be included in the 'kudos' section of this blog.

Of ces, it's only right innit? 

So I will first air out my thoughts, and then give you guys a go, in the comments section below! *rhymes of life of life*

Sound Saturday 

Iffy about: 

Definitions. I like them, as they provide the reader with the key to understanding some words/phrases/concepts in my blog that are an organic reflection of what I would normally say/do in person and choose not to revise, for the sake of remaining true to that aspect of this blog. Yet, I'm not sure if I'm fond of the current  placement. I think I would like a 'hover over' widget that allows the translation/ definition to pop up when ones mouse/track pad hovers over said part of the blog.  Any suggestions to achieve these ends?  

Adding Color

Content diversification *any suggestions concerning what to include?*
Minimalism in 'packaging' of the blog 
I'm thinking about making Funmi'isms a bigger part of the blog or something else in its entirety, as I feel as if its a seminal aspect of my personal branding as a content creator. 
An actual direction /platform of the blog which my content surrounds (Example: Female empowerment, human rights). I intend to eventually master the art of creatively getting people engaged in such topics that did not seem interesting before, as it may not have been 'eye-catching' enough to the average 9-5'er. Not said in any kind of demeaning way at all, actually cos you all are more likely to be in a better position financially than I am at the moment (& I may actually be joining you guys soon - I am surprisingly totally fine with that)

To your consistency, Funmi! 

So I pass the baton to you all now. 

*instantly reminded of the times that I "gracefully" pass the baton to my track mates during the 4x4 races in high school in efforts to get that dub-dub, naturally*



egal - derived from the German phrase "es ist mir egal", meaning "it doesn't make a difference (to me)"

Of ces - Of course

 Innit - British slang for "isn't it". Cues reminder of a British mum asking her child to repeat on three "Innit is not a word, charlie!" "Innit is not a word!" 

Of life, Of life - A once popular Nigerian slang ( I have a habit of not letting things go, as my ex-boyfriend duly likes to point out to me) that was stated to exaggerate the greatness of an object. In true Naija fashion, everything must be grandiose.
 Ex. that song is the jam of life!"

9-5'er - A working class employee who is normally designated the shift of 9am-5pm (American work hours. The British follow this pattern as well...Well actually chicken/egg should make it the other way around). Is also fitting for the other, less common 8am -4pm shift

Sho' obviously don't (you will encounter this in the Funmi'ism below) - Southern twang for 'sure obviously doesn't') 

[Anymore 'definitions' needed? Let me know! Let a sista', girl know! ]
[I'm not sure the sparks inside that triggered that last exclamation, but sha allow it]

Funmi'ism - Pat your own self on the back sometimes! There's no guarantee that someone else will. Be an alpha female like Hilary...'cos she sho' obviously don't need Bill. 

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