Wednesday, October 14, 2015

so ist das leben.

Hey everyone.

You have not been abandoned, blog, nor reader. So much that i'm going through at the moment, including having to deal with my skin that's reacting negatively to this extreme weather, not having internet at my apartment yet, and of course- future/funds. 

& things were all so good just a day or two ago. Not sure what it is, or if it's normal to feel this way given that I'm so far away (but it's quite more than that unfortunately. Even when I'm close I still feel far). 

My hearts still a bit hurt from September's fiasco..... I think it very much so has much to do with the skin issues. This frustration is activating of the hither-to suppressed feelings of doubt, fear, and just downright sadness. 

I pray that things get better. As for now, I will travail once again the streets of Bamberg to gather a nice skincare mask (honey, turmeric, and greek yogurt, anyone?) and i will try my hardest to relax while repeating vigorously to myself - aye o le to yen (Yoruba for 'life is not that difficult')

Good night. 


"What's high if you don't know low?" -Nico & Vinz

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