Tuesday, October 27, 2015



I missed 2 days of blogging, a time trade-off for social media catch up.

Will be back to normal blog scheduling after today.

Bist du begeistert oder neh?


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Nichts perfekt.

Not Perfect.

I am not perfect.


Sometimes we make mistakes.


Never let them define you.


I am on my



Friday, October 23, 2015


First year.

First post on Twitter in over a year. 

First day of feeling in control. 

Let's enjoy this & be happy. 



Thursday, October 22, 2015

Schritt fuer Schritt...

...dem Ziel entgegen.

Step by step, you achieve the goal* 

This phrase that can currently be seen on the Sparkasse adverts across the city of Bamberg, is inspiring at the least.

What are your goals?
What exactly are you interested in achieving? Long-term? Short-term?

As cliche as this post is slowly turning out to be, I cannot help but in platitudinal fashion articulate the importance of having stated goals. It leaves less room for uncertainty, and more room for follow-through. Please place a finger on the phrase 'stated goals'. Now poke at it a few times. You should by now see a funny bunny appearing across the screen...joking. But in all seriousness, that exercise was just meant to ensure that you as a reader actively understand to 'state' what your goals are.

Now that you understand this,
Write down those goals!

& it is perfectly OK if one of your stated goals are "to be wealthy". It was one of mine, and I had to come to terms with the fact that I too have aspirations of being rich in the future. It is not a selfish desire. It is a desire, as simple as that, and it is just as desirable as all of your other goals. What could arguably be wrong is if one makes the attainment of wealth their god (as all other goals are susceptible of being), or the way we go about trying to attain wealth ( as is with all other goals). With the past two examples, one can see that 'the attainment of wealth' can easily be placed on the same pedestal of importance as all other goals. No, you're not being selfish, nor are you being too superficial/simplistic. You are for once being real with yourself. It is also just as important to keep in mind, that  'wealth' should not semantically be substituted for 'money'. Wealth is all earnings including assets, material possessions, and the like.

With all that said, do not make the 'attainment of wealth' your only goal in life. If I must say, that is quite boring. As you would have so much material, less substance. Be sentimental for once, friend. Value memories, so that you would be more motivated to easily channel your wealth into something that outlives you.

What are your goals?

Write them down.

Don't look back.

Don't Regret.

Be flexible to change it at any given point.



Schritt fuer Schritt, dem Ziel entgegen,  innit.

*loosely translated

Wednesday, October 21, 2015



In efforts to preserve the memories from Birmingham, I wanted to take the opportunity to just write one-words from each month of living there...just to be extra sure that I won't forget:

October - London mates night town Naija. Butlins Hausa family mates. Birmingham night town mates. Ambassador international job first. speak Library money amazon

November - job river island retail hire process. Aston villa football game first VIP food hat purchase fun! Luton remembrance day poppy TV watch feel british. warwick development summit

December - job river island no bueno. Christmas markets. bratwurst. Christmas roommates dinner throwback session. Watch films

January - Brussels. Red cross training stafford.  New year redeemed

February - Red Cross. Birthday fun shop oxford circus lupita restaurant surprise friends uncle family eat nandos. selma watch. Afternoon tea wolverhampton.

March -  red cross. Dad visit. German game night fun win! pub night cameroonian and spanish roommate. Workout paroles -canal runs.

April - red cross. Leicester higher education fair. Easter Luton chicken aunty surprise party.

July - Red cross. Liverpool

August - Red Cross.

September - party birmingham.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Bist du fertig oder neh?

...Your ready or nah?

To Commence this LSAT study, amen?

Put my money where my mouth is just a few hours ago, and now my bank account will cease to know about 250 of its pounds....

But my mind will now embark on the beginning of a promising journey. 

Hello, LSAT. 

I'll be seeing you on February 6, 2016. 
[London, GB]


Monday, October 19, 2015

Ich fühle mich inspiriert...

....Sitting here, after 11pm in this OFvBu library, I cannot help but once again admire my spirit of perseverance.

I love you, so much Funmi. So much.

[Swear down, I am not sure how to best articulate this, but Songs like this are literally my theme song that have the potential to shift my mood from negative to positive, even if it is just for that moment. Essentially why I wish I had a msuic player chip that I could insert into a part of my head, so that I could always have it playing when I want...alas I guess earphones will do for now, but techies and scientists, I'll be expecting something as ostensibly close to this as possible in the near future].

So I successfully submitted my TFA application.

I restored my Facebook account (deactivated since Fall 2013).

I provided online advice to someone suffering from homesickness.

& I feel more confident and positive about my future altogether.

Let's just pray this emotional postivity remains a part of me for good.

Literally, pray.


Rae Sremmurd is coming to Munich, 28.11!

Will Funmi Bab-Oke be there, front and center?
Watch this space....

Flucht- und Rettungs Plan

Escape and Rescue Plan.

In my head, I am screaming, "get me out of here!" simply because I have now identified my interests, and so want to pursue it vigourously. Unfortunately, becoming fluent in German is not one of them. In as much as I find the language intriguing & have set eventual fluency as an indelible challenge for myself, I am equally reminded of how limited our time is and how it should  not be spent engaging in a non-interest that is not guaranteed to yield profitability (It would be different if someone were paying me to learn this language, or eventual fluency would pay off....neither of that serves as the foundational Basis of my studies here in OFvBU, so I will obviously see you [haha], later)

So, to be honest, I want to go home. In fact, need to go home and stop trying to reach things that are beyond my grasp. I need to be real with myelf, and work within my capabilities. It is very true that the sky is the limit, but what am I doing with the grass, trees, flowers that are already within my reach?

It is about time that I start thinking with my head and not my heart. Or maybe this longing to return home is thinking with my heart. My heart wants to return to stability, sanity, (eventual) security. I have gained all that I wanted to gain in my alloted year abroad, and I know it will propel me to greater endeavours in the future. I just need to return to homebase and work from there, repaying my dues along the way (literally).


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

so ist das leben.

Hey everyone.

You have not been abandoned, blog, nor reader. So much that i'm going through at the moment, including having to deal with my skin that's reacting negatively to this extreme weather, not having internet at my apartment yet, and of course- future/funds. 

& things were all so good just a day or two ago. Not sure what it is, or if it's normal to feel this way given that I'm so far away (but it's quite more than that unfortunately. Even when I'm close I still feel far). 

My hearts still a bit hurt from September's fiasco..... I think it very much so has much to do with the skin issues. This frustration is activating of the hither-to suppressed feelings of doubt, fear, and just downright sadness. 

I pray that things get better. As for now, I will travail once again the streets of Bamberg to gather a nice skincare mask (honey, turmeric, and greek yogurt, anyone?) and i will try my hardest to relax while repeating vigorously to myself - aye o le to yen (Yoruba for 'life is not that difficult')

Good night. 


"What's high if you don't know low?" -Nico & Vinz

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Goodbye GB...Hallo Deutschland.

Stating a  massive "it's been real" to the Union Jack.

Hello to the lovely Red Yellow Black

 (or black red yellow. if you have OCD or are a stickler for correctness). 


Thursday, October 1, 2015


On September 28, 2015, I defended my Masters thesis titled:

 Applying the derived tools particularities and totalisation to a critical analysis of the West African Ebola Crisis: Can such tools, when combined, increase the saliency of Postcolonialism as a critical discourse? 

*[Cues: L'oke L'oke x 9ice. Sean Tizzle.]*

All Glory be to God for instilling in me the drive, commitment, passion, discipline, and altogether for his never-ending compassion and love. I honestly could not do it without Him. Hence my bomb ahh' 'Acknowledgements' section. I am seriously on Cloud 9  right now and nothing can separate me & this high. I will forever praise Him for this blessing. Your girl has a Masters degree.  One year after Undergraduate coursework. 

*Komole another two or three times*

I do not know what excites me the more. This completed project, the fact that I exercised and acquired desired traits in completing it (traits that will ensure excellence in future endeavours, at that), or just the overall increase in confidence that is literally indelibly inculcated within this lady that is typing as follows! 

*L'oke L'oke l'a ma lo........*

the yucky devil tried exactly three times, but each time.... 

*L'oke L'oke.........*

& I am still trusting God for greater.

Watch. This. Space. 

Funmi is baccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk. 


Psalm 27. 

Funmi'ism: Be content with where you are, with what little you have do the most; Take action yet let Him lead - for you are worthy of a life that deserves the sincerest of toasts. Prost!