Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Ich glaube an mich selbst.

I belive in myself.

Good afternoon friends. Happy 1st of December.

Apologies in advance for the hiatus. I never plan to be away, life just unfortunately gets in the way.

Anyway, I am not sure why I am so motivated, but for some reason I am. Maybe because something is telling me that something great is on the way. That the story is not over yet. The year is not over yet.

Now it is just to my own advantage to put my feet to work, literally...so that when things do POP, I am more than ready.

How ready are you for your advancement?

The first step in preparing is to undoubtedly believe in yourself. Your belief in yourself must not be perturbed, disturbed by any external force, mindset, or channel of energy. You MUST begin to build this force field, a bubble of belief that is unable to be penetrated. Live in this bubble. Walk in this bubble.

"But first lady madam, how does one begin to build this bubble of belief?"

1. Be kind to yourself. Sometimes I find myself being just too hard on myself, maybe because I stopped short of doing something as well as I planned to. Well, constantly (and in a belittling way) reminding yourself of your failure at that point in time precludes you from any future victories. Think of yourself as each and every person in a 4 x 4 race. A 4 x 4 is a track and field competition that involves 4 people on a team each running a lap around the track in efforts to win the whole race. Once each teammate finishes their lap, they pass the baton to the next teammate, and their leg commences. Imagine that you are all four teammates in one. That your life is all four teammates. There are races where the third leg, despite how amazing the first and second leg carried the lead, falls short and loses the lead for the team. The fourth leg is watching the whole thing. Instead for the fourth leg to dwell on the fact that the third leg lost the lead, they instead use that as motivation and concurrently transform that into energy to attempt to gain the lead back and win. It is the same for our lives. There are some point in our lives where our third leg becomes shaky. Do not dwell on the situation, but rather use it as motivation to make your now and tomorrow as better as it can possibly be. Think of it like this: Be thankful for your weak third leg, as it informs a stronger fourth.

2. Base your actions on yourself only. Sometimes (& I say this sometimes with full understanding that it actually happens more times than anticipated) we act and react as a result of our environment and circumstances. We use social media as our point of information and guidance on how our lives should operate--seeking answers. But wait, you have the answers. Literally, look within yourself & you will know exactly what to do. & for my fellow Christians, this action of looking within ourselves gives us the benefit of finding our answers from God, as since God is within us, when we look to ourselves for the answers, we are immediately connected with God from whom the more or less best directions flow. Also, it is important that we are constantly looking to ourselves for motivation, as external motivation will not always be there. You must learn to pat your own self on the back (going in line with the first step) and also think of it like this: Sway, you have the answers. 

3. Buy into positivity. Sometimes, at the point where negative thoughts begin to creep in, this statement is what is needed the most. I use the term 'buy into positivity' simply because we tend to underestimate how much the simple and effortless act of remaining positive impacts and turns our whole outlook back right side up. We do not tap into it because we think we do not have it. It is yours...it is within you, you must realise how much you have it, though! Think of it like this: Positivity is the priceless energy that breeds what is priced. 

4. "Bemerken" your band. Sometimes, I have to switch to German...lol. I could not think of a 'B' word in English to start off this statement (& lowkey flexin' my fluencies heh heh). Anyway 'bemerken' means to 'notice'. Notice the company you keep. Think of your friends group like a musical band. Your successful performance depends on everyone successfully playing their own instruments well. In that same way, the company you keep should be able to help you realise how amazing you are, especially at the points where your glasses accidentally fall off and your vision of yourself becomes a bit blurred. Our friendships should be our support, our motivation, our plaster to repair our bubbles at the times that it may unfortunately burst. & finally, make sure you are doing the same for your friends as well. If your friends are not doing such for you, either you are not allowing them to or a reevaluation needs to occur. Think of it like this: your band plays, and the concert is live. If your drummer is missing, the beat won't drop. 

5. Balance Sometimes, we must temper our vision of ourselves with reality. Yes, ideally we are limitless human beings, but that does not negate the fact that our time is limited. In that same instance, our belief in ourselves need to be channeled to the actions that bring the most value to ourselves and our environment. Balancing idealism with reality also makes us more susceptible to achieving our goals, as we begin to see ourselves in a light of being imperfect. We thus learn to work with our strengths, work around our flaws, and work within our capabilities. Think about it like this: We can do all things, but we need wisdom to do what is right. 

This blog post is inspired by everything I am constantly having to remind myself of. 

Most importantly, you are a being whose life does not need to be ended by you. Believe in yourself so much, so hard, that you will do whatever is in your capacity to build you at your best. 

Be blessed. 


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