Saturday, November 28, 2015

Ja, ich glaub an dich.

Yes, I believe in you (God).

Tonight was awesome. I just returned from a praise night that I attended with a few friends. It was lovely.

God specifically spoke to me through the song: "I am no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God".

What scares you, controls you. But it is so freeing to realise, to understand our identity in Christ.
I am praying that this  truth constantly remains a part of me, as I need it now more than ever before.

Since I have not much more to say, I found an old blogpost from the summer (24th of May to be exact). I saved it to my USB, and I guess I intended to eventually post it, but I never did. & when I  reread it earlier today, I saw that it was good!

So here goes! Enjoy and till later:

The Walking Communist Pitch

So, this lovely and relaxing Sunday started out a bit rough internally, being that I had to make and stand firm in my decision to not attend ‘Church’, as is the alternative/ nickname for the church that I have attended from childhood. I understand that such a decision may have been a bit disappointing for my mother, but I am starting to realise that it is important to SECOND never disappoint you (God being first) and then to discern when to consider the disappointment of others (even those times when it comes at the expense of you disappointing yourself – I do not deny the fact that sometimes it is worth it).  There are quite a few reasons that lend to my decision to not attend ‘Church’ today, and for the sake of brevity I shall hesitate to list. In any case, I am quite urged or compelled to attend any church though next Sunday, so I shall actively figure out how I will make my way to a church next week.

While running this morning, I briefly conversed with a cul-de-sac mate/family about my life, and informing them that I was in the UK studying made me a bit proud of myself relatively speaking (discussing casually with moms about my amassing of loans later in the evening while walking countered such feelings, so it was very short-lived).

After the run, I returned into the abode and had the usual – oatmeal and 3 eggs, while once again being in awe of my slow transition into a more simplistic and basic lifestyle, embracing it as such as well.  I think I need to stop that though – will develop this train of thought later. In short, I tend to do this thing where I think about what I am doing & the positive reactions that my actions could possibly generate (EXAMPLE this simple eating, thinking about the way I could package such on Instagram, touting and packaging my “new” lifestyle personality)

Surprisingly enough, moms returned home even before I completed my first meal, breakfast  (to be fair, I had spent a bit of time applying my Moroccan clay and adzuki bean powder mask onto my face, I shall hold any comments on the results to myself…sigh).

Moving swiftly along, the meat of my day consisted of attempting to clean my room while “in my feelings” as it were, trying to shift into better spirits. The main gist of my encouragement is this: “What’s meant to be will never be difficult. It will be smooth sailing. Simple. Clear-cut. Unvarnished. Love is.”  It is still a bit disheartening ‘recovering’ from this ‘mishap’ especially given my not-too successful track record with men/boys. Love/relationships/friendship should never be this difficult.. Wilkommen zur meiner Welt.  One day you are going to win. Repeat. One would think that cupid would take it a bit easy on me given the fact that I spent my childhood witnessing and being affected by loveless shaky relationships; but alas no.

So, as I unfortunately did let that deter me from organising/ cleaning my room [hence the current slow burn of that all too familiar midnight oil], I still did manage to gain a few “knowledge-bits” out of today through the medium of YouTube videos, WhatsApp, and moms:

1.     Bride Price – the Ibo, one of the ethnic groups based in Nigeria take that seriously. It is still a practiced tradition, which I thought was just for sentiments at celebrations –Yoruba Wado!- in this time period (Of course this may be true in the developed world diaspora, yet it is still a tradition for this particular ethnic group in Nigeria, and I doubt it will ever be phased out. No one is being harmed in the process knock on wood).  Literally, ‘bride price’ is used for bants on various social media outlets, and phrases that include this compound word , etc. So it was quite the surprise to watch a video of a traditional wedding which included footage of fathers from both sides conferring together to discuss negotiate the bride price. Literally cynically speaking, how much the brides father will charge for the bride and how much the groom/groom’s family is willing to pay. To make matters more interesting, in another scence the new bride in the video said “I am in my husbands place now since the bride price has been paid”….Obviously she does not mean it in this way, but for both a pseudo-progressive like myself and those editors at Cosmo (that wrote the article deriding the bride price app), such a statement literally single-handedly negates any progress that has been made on the advancement of women’s rights. Of course I am being a bit extreme. Of course I do realise that women rights as with almost every human rights ideaology/themes are a western construct and its place in any other setting is constantly questioned (My life is a big disclaimer by the way, in case you didn’t realise by the way this post is already saturated with disclaimers). People try it – they really do. Ask Ethiopia, oh wait, you can’t –Any way, my mom also contributed to this topic: She informed me that sometimes some grooms families pay the brides family money every year, until the father of the bride dies. I am not sure how true this is, but quite interesting. My full thoughts to come later, as this subject is deserving of it’s own entry; dissertation in fact. Simply because women are quite amazing- all feminist sentiments put aside- yet their value is constantly being tried inadvertently, and sometimes because of our own decisions.
2.     Ethiopia is going to the polls, the current ruling party is expected to win while the fractured opposition party does not even stand a chance. I literally can state this narrative with my eyes closed, and apply it to other African countries – Burundi case in point, no shoutout to the tragic and punitive incident . Shame.
3.     Nigeria. Prayer’s are going up. Once I do more research on the current situation, I will definitely provide a more intellectually-backed, informed opinion, but for now: Jonathan is running the reserves dry because come May 29th money don finish.  (sometimes, this may actually be the case. The simple, watered down layman’s opinion. )
4.     May have found a good finishing/setting spray & daily vitamin c dosage for the face thanks to the lovely YouTuber Bella (BrownieandtheBlog). Her makeup and sartorial choices are both equally amazing, so I definitely look forward to getting my hands (in this case, face) on both the Vitamin C face spritz x Body Shop and the Makeup Revolution Setting Spray.
5.     The Turtleneck is a staple for any closet. It’s such a clean and simple (and affordable) essential that literally make’s an outfit what it is (of course when combined with the right pieces), so I look forward to investing in a few good ones (on sale) in anticipation of the fall/winter.
6.     Bonus (This one is actually from my annals, circa 6th grade or middle school, tops) : Cuba! I have a bound notecards full of a research project done on Cuba’s government (regime change, to the world, and all), and it was quite informative. I really did a thorough job, comprehensively compiling an easy to follow timeline of events that I was able to pick up even today, read, and understand (of course aside from trying to decipher a few handwriting encumbrances that is). As far away in history as it is for me, it is really impacting my sense of self and my perception of my capabilities. Positively. Crazy right? Crazy cool.

Aside from the knowledge bits, I also gave my moms the ‘business pitch’ while walking with her today. & I am literally surprised as to how easy it was for my to pitch it to her. Literally, I thank God.  Almost there. Almost there. 


Water is good for the soul, if you have goals.

Bonus number 2 (You would be so lucky):

While listening to ‘Laye’ x Kiss Daniel – Ko si  ru e l’ede baby say ko ko jo oo (His name is so lovely, I say this time and again), I saw in the sidebar a link to a post about Fetty Wap  (in fact, let me cue his song while I write this) and the post basically talked about how he would be featuring Afrobeats artists, Davido et. al. on an ‘afroremix’ to Trap Queen. My first thought was, ‘who is fetty wap’ and what is ‘trap queen’. Quite curious about the song especially, I clicked the link to the YouTube video & it was the song I heard at the wedding last weekend- a part of the African-American  American hip-hop/rap mashup set pent up with the likes of ‘Coco’ and ….. uuh I forgot. the song stood out anyway, but it didn’t stand out when I first heard it. Meaning it was unique enough for me to remember that I heard it, yet when I heard it I dismissed it as another one of those teen hip go-lucky songs that came out while I was away, unperturbed by the fact that I was not hip to it.
Even more interesting sturvs to note:
-       The song came out in August. Yay, conversation starter in ‘what’s different about being away/blah blah’ conversations: “Oh you know that song trap queen, I am just now hearing it,….” laugh laugh laugh
-       Fetty Wap reminds me of a particular somebody in Birmingham, UK. David! Cool dude.
-       Another lesson in believing in yourself no matter how different you may be, or in this case, look. Thanks for the reminder, Fetty.

And to all a good night.

Oh how could I forget! Still on the subject of  Fetty Wap:
-       He mentioned ‘Bando’ in his song. He’s from New Jersey. New Jersey Riots ’67.
OK it’s 4:57 am. I am tired. & I still did not touch my room project, from the time I left it. Well  did wash my makeup brushes!

Thank you Jesus.

I love you.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path
-       Psalm 119:105


Friday, November 27, 2015

man muss die Welt nicht verstehen, man muss sich nur darin zurechtfinden

 one should not understand the world, one should find oneself within it.

Disclaimer: This blogpost is literally nothing short of me discussing how my day went, so nothing really insightful (aside from the title of this post).

I went dancing with a girlfriend at Studio Favela. It was my first time ever doing Capoeira  (awkward: I just realised that what I did was not Capoeira, but rather just a Brasil Dance Mix class. Capoeira was afterwards) & it was fun. The instructor did a great job, and of course I being from Atlanta had the moves on point and a bit more.

Thereafter, I visited another friend and her friends at the friend's place, and we baked. A little Christmas preparation baking as it were.  We listened to Christmas music and all that jazz (pun intended, as Michael Buble et al. were on the playlist as well).

Needless to say, I had a fun night out. This is literally the first time that I had multiple "moves"/engagements in one night - to the point where I even had to turn down an invitation.

It feels good to be a social butterfly again. 

Skin woes: I realised from being in front of the studio mirrors that my facial complexion is much darker than the rest of my body. Sigh, I suffer from aversive winter skin. So please believe that my glasses are coming on and research will commence. I don't play games when it comes to my appearance. I don't.
 [a blogpost on my updated skincare routine might also accompany this new undertaking]


Distant Admirations:

 Say Something x Olamide 
     Inferiority Complex x Olamide

My friend's friend whose place I visited had them on, and I literally could not stop staring at them, as basic as  they were

Slough - John Betjeman 

Thursday, November 26, 2015



Happy Thanksgiving! 

I hope everyone, including you, had a beautiful day celebrating with friends and family. I, for one, miss home dearly and cannot wait to eventually celebrate the holidays with my family again. For now, fellowship with friends here very much sufficed & warmed my heart so dearly. 

One of the things I am very much grateful for so far since being here is the group of Christians that I was so lucky, blessed, all of the above to have found randomly -all because I decided to partake in the "Fruits Day" (The day that an organisation here passes out fruits...anyway egal). 

So I hung out with them. 

& it was fun!

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

We discussed "what is love". A much needed & apt topic for this period, as it were. 

I'm grateful for all that I have and all that I do not have, because I know that His love is what underpins both ends of the spectrum. 

What are you grateful for? 


Distant admirations: 

A Joke - what do you get when a piano falls down a mineshaft? A flat minor? [ROFL]

A German: "hinter die Ohren schreiben" - a saying equivalent to "I'll keep that in my back pocket" 

Funmi'ism: His love never fails, so don't ever think that when you've failed, you've failed; recharge & keep going - his blessings, his mercy, his grace, his love abound.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wheinnachts Markt

Christmas Market.

Swear fam I think I spelled wheinnachts wrong. All of my former "frau & herr"s (previous German lecturers) will now come and cane me for my subpar german graduate ways.

Anyway, sorry for my absence. I actually almost forgot about my proclivities for blogging until I realised that I needed something to back up the picture I was about to post on Instagram. Yes, I am low-key making this post for the simple reason that my picture needs more substance.

In my defense, I do normally post, but I really do not consider myself a blogger, for the sake of not wanting or liking to be categorised. It raises too much expectations, standards start to be required to be followed, and dat.

& I'm just here like....blah blah blah I like to write.

Sha, let's get to the main gist of this post.


Christmas markets are a traditional open festival and marketplace that takes place all over Germany, celebrating the holiday season. One can visit different vendor stands that are made out of logs and thus have a very medieval Deutsch feel to them (to preserve tradition, of course).

So yep, at the market one can buy different handmade goods, confectioneries, "traditional" German food
  (I got into a semi-heated debate with one of my colleagues over whether or not there was a such  thing as traditional German food...he was almost about to insult me, I had my "your fada" bullet on standby with my finger on the just kidding the debate did not go that far). 

& most importantly, well to a young twentysomething millennial like myself:

Beer & booze galore, babe. 
Beer in the form of, well, beer
& booze in the form of
Gluhwein - the trademark alcoholic beverage of the average German 

So yes, it is simply a time to enjoy as much food and beer as your wallet can allow with friends and loved ones. 

Story story: Interestingly enough, the city where I studied and completed my first year of this Masters programme (Birmingham, England) hosts an exported form of the German Christmas Markets, called the Frankfurt Christmas Markets & it was simply amazing. I was praying that I would find bae before the fest ended on the 22 of December (the market ran for over a month, I had enough time, lol) so I could be doing "his & hers" just like almost everyone else that was there. But alas, bae was elusive, so hanging with my roommate worked out just fine. 

Of course, like the sartorial stud that I am, I just had to put an outfit together for my festivities commencing tomorrow and leading into the weekend. 

here's to humble beginnings.

I love patterns and symmetry (or symmetrics), and this outfit allows me to perfectly blend the two. The scarf has to be my favourite piece though (trending fall/winter '16), with the shoes coming in a close second.

Finally, one of my favourite sweaters to keep me warm, even if the gluhwein can't.

Can't wait to share on my snapchat my exciting adventures perusing the markets with my buddies dem tomorrow & Friday.
( No, that was not a shameless plug to get you to follow me: funmibabs )


distant admirations: The first 3-4 songs of Iyanya's album "Applaudise". Olamide's album, even though I haven't heard it yet.