Sunday, September 6, 2015

Show Dem Camp. Show Dem Game.

Source: Twitter 
UN's Sustainable Development Goals are all the rave this month for all international politics enthusiasts & global governance proponents alike.

So as someone that may or may not fit into any of those types of people, tell me what you think! & if you do not have a thought, get hip here! [warning: The website is a bit choppy though, so I suggest you stick to the diagram above for simplicity sake]

Because, you know, they are only global targets that could potentially contribute to indelibly lifting the bottom billion out of poverty, and other things. No biggie.

My own thoughts are pending [my excuse is that I am waiting for the 70th session to begin
 aka I'm ardently chipping away at this paper and I'm not actually supposed to see the daylights of this blog, hence my no being able to post more in-depth content..... but me & my baby are attached at the hip...erm finger! insert the gasp face emoji.... *insertcheesesmile* ] 

September 15. It is normally live streamed, so watch that [UN website] space!

That is all.

If I am chanced to have more downtime this Fall/Winter by His grace, I am definitely looking into increasing my technical skills be it via website development (coding maybe?) or any other IT skills that I can acquire.
*scribbles on imaginary list* How's that for [personal] development goals?

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