Monday, January 8, 2024

Values +

Borrowing from the wise words of one of the greatest philosophers of our time, Kanye West, “everything I’m not makes me everything I am”. 

I learned the hard but needed lesson last year that I need to clearly define my values & stick to them. Don’t get me wrong, I have always been value-driven (wouldn’t be where I am today if I was not). The only difference is my lack of clearly stating them so as to stick to them when most needed. 

One thing I love about me is my ability to try things out and rule it out if it doesn’t work out, knowing that it directs/pivots/reroutes me further to defining exactly who I am(hence the above-mentioned quote).

So, here I am explicitly stating my values:

  • I value family. 
  • I value service. 
  • I value critical thinking. 
  • I value thought-driven spending.
  • I value a well-rounded lifestyle.
  • I value fitness & holistic living
  • I value lighthearted fun
  • I value kindness
  • I value discipline 
  • I value cleanliness
  • I value peace of mind
  • I value curiosity 
  • I value hard work/a solid work ethic

What are your values? 

Funmi Oke

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