Saturday, January 2, 2016


Today was the second day of the new year, and it was amazing. I feel blessed. For so many reasons, in so many ways, and by so many people. This multi-faceted feeling parallels the title of today's blog in the sense that  not only is it referring to a special young girl in my life, but it also reflects my current state of emotions. I am grateful to finally be at peace, after what seemed to be one of the most turbulent periods of my life in so many different ways. But hey, gold has to be put through fire to become what it is, right?

It started off the way- today's blog is literally another one of those recaps of my day posts, with no specific topic of discussion, but I will incorporate some though provokers as the post goes on, so be on the look out.

So it started off with doing 150 squats with ease ( Grace only did 50) while listening to 'Bed Peace'. How did I end up doing a workout routine to such an "emotional" song, as it were? Well,  Peace, my young darling cousin, before I was about to commence workouts, said "I'm staying in bed all day". Then I said "Oh, you're at bed peace (pun intended), like the song....have you heard the song before?" & the rest was Jhene Aiko downhill.....literally, because even after I finished the squats, we had a mini - jam session to Jhene Aiko's other songs (Spotless Mind, was a particular favourite). So it seemed as if the day would continue on this "peace-y, Soulful" high, and so it did....... watching Pocahontas later in the evening reinforced the mindset that I have had all my life, which I actually thought I recently adopted. Just like Pocahontas, I too have aspirations, a mindset, a  lifestyle that goes further and deeper than the traditional or the common. The easy is not our forte. Her easy was to get married to the guy she was betrothed to. Yet, she was more at peace, was herself when she explored. When she found new worlds, expanded her territories, fed her mind, exercised her god-given femininity and just all-around person. It may just so be the case, that Pocahontas character has subliminally underpinned my mindset, outlook on life, because literally everything about her actions in the film reflects my own personal life outlook. I actually even forgot how much of a big part of my childhood the film  was, and also how much value I placed on the female character herself. She has been my role model, all this time & I did not even realise it.

In sum,  I am blessed to have peace & pocahontas. 
Happy 2nd of January. 

Spotless Mind x Jhene Aiko 

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