Sunday, September 6, 2015

Show Dem Camp. Show Dem Game.

Source: Twitter 
UN's Sustainable Development Goals are all the rave this month for all international politics enthusiasts & global governance proponents alike.

So as someone that may or may not fit into any of those types of people, tell me what you think! & if you do not have a thought, get hip here! [warning: The website is a bit choppy though, so I suggest you stick to the diagram above for simplicity sake]

Because, you know, they are only global targets that could potentially contribute to indelibly lifting the bottom billion out of poverty, and other things. No biggie.

My own thoughts are pending [my excuse is that I am waiting for the 70th session to begin
 aka I'm ardently chipping away at this paper and I'm not actually supposed to see the daylights of this blog, hence my no being able to post more in-depth content..... but me & my baby are attached at the hip...erm finger! insert the gasp face emoji.... *insertcheesesmile* ] 

September 15. It is normally live streamed, so watch that [UN website] space!

That is all.

If I am chanced to have more downtime this Fall/Winter by His grace, I am definitely looking into increasing my technical skills be it via website development (coding maybe?) or any other IT skills that I can acquire.
*scribbles on imaginary list* How's that for [personal] development goals?

Thursday, September 3, 2015

All-nighter #2


[11:00 pm GMT]
-Ugh, the new Google logo, am not a fan.

-Shout out to this person with the bubble jacket laying out on the swivel chairs sleeping behind me, realest GNF's MVP! [took myself a quick nap too not too long ago, I don't blame you o jee]

-Had a mixture of "almost sick and I am about to go insane with stress" feels not too long ago, hence the nap. It was not a nice feeling, I do not wish it on my worst enemy. September 30, nibo lo wa.

-Breakouts are the worst. Especially when your face regimen was in tip-top shape. September 30 nibo lo wa.

-Ironically, I feel as if my brain cells have depleted as a result of this research (or maybe lack of sufficient sleep). September 30 nibo lo wa.

-Found out about the [Ibo] Osu today....sigh. I guess it is a bit parallel to the Yoruba 'abiku'.

-Nigerian accents ringing in m ears keeping me awake. Yes.

[2:18 am GMT]

-I'm not sure which it is I miss more.... [you.] or [my sanity]. Either way the feelings are concomitantly serving as my motivation to get this one and done.

-Orezi is the principal author of non-related lines when it comes to lyricism. I still bang with 'Shuperu' on a good day...or bad, like right now! Well, I actually cannot complain about today seeing how I am on the last stretch before the weekenditing (weekend x editing process).

-Ol' bubble jacket still has not woken up. I will express my sentiments in the next update if no change.

[5:10 am GMT]

O'boy is still sleeping ooo. My colleague has already jested him.

I am wide awake, thank you Lord for this divine metaphorical wind of alertness. Jah, luh.

I feel as if listening to Nigerian music while advancing in my professional pursuits in the form of this paper is incongruous and yields a two steps forward, one step back scenario. I need to desist during[ weekenditing].

Questions that still remain. How to boss. 




Wednesday, September 2, 2015

If this Union should stand...

...we must fall.

Fall to our knees and pray for the forward-propelling of our youth that ensure the progress of our country...

Fall to newer depths of humility.

Fall on each other, invoking again the cultural narratives of our neighbours being our friends. Our backbone.

United we stand, divided we fall.

But if this Union should stand.... we have to fall.

An ode to Nigerian Independence.

[October 1, 1960 -         ]