Monday, March 30, 2015

B'o Te Dibo, O ti Wole!

for blog post title translation, keep scrolling through - will be the last note of the blog, make sure you read the content of course! #NigeriaDecides as of 9:09pm *Runs through house with imaginary broom chanting "APC-Change!"* *Grab your popcorn, grab your mates. Grab your favourite device and use the outlet of your choice as a supplement* *Finally....oh wait. You need a soundtrack! Looking for some gangster Shi- that will make you feel empowered and perceive the current happenings as some mob stuff - in this case the mob being more or less the people, rather than the incumbent "elite" I HIGHLY suggest All Eyez On Me x Burna Boy x JR x LES. "Niggaz ain't runnin' anymore now, seriously" Say it with all the gusto that you can muster from your chest! This is the life that we live, and if you f- it up, we will take it away from you! Robbery tin's... say Nigerians (including my grandma?)(If you choose to listen to this song, stop at 3:23, then rewind back to the beginning, cos the rap segment thereafter is not as hot, and may cause that 'mood-fitting' nature of the song to become non-existent* history be made. I mean, the current common rhetoric is that of the opposition to be not even as viable of an option, but at this point, ANYONE is better than GEJ - distant bystander comment. Daily posts from the weekend will come soon. In #recoverymode Translation: A common Yoruba phrase chanted to candidates who show a likelihood of winning, and they are literally at the brink securing their victory. Literally translated, it's an exaggerated statement, boasting in the candidates ability to secure their victory: "even if you didn't contest, you've won!" GMB. You've won. I just pray.. . -FB

Friday, March 27, 2015

Pc probs so poem instead today. Enjoy 'my Rib' My Rib- In this case im Adam And hes my eve. My heart he'll wear it on his sleeve. See im not poetic but this time I'll let it flow however wherever No matter the weather Cos i know well be together forever.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

I'm not consistent. I hate it.

Lately I've been feeling depressed with a side of low moods. Not too sure what's going on with my system, or maybe nothing is wrong. I am maybe suffering from a lack of my own action and an inability to put myself in agency status.

Well, enough of that, as I do have less  disconcerting content to share with you all.

In 5, 4, 3, 2,1......

There will be a blog post everyday from now on!

Get excited! I hope you all are extremely excited, or as excited as I am.

For the most part, I will aim to mix and/or link social commentary with social science.  As a visual person which informs my inclination towards observing more than participating (get's me in trouble more times than none, to be honest as I sometimes make the mistake of failing to participate in my own life as my defense, I am trying. I am slowly revamping my wardrobe taking cues from the fashionable beyond my expectations of street style here in the UK. I mean what better place to revamp ones wardrobe, than here? While at the same time attempting to find myself. I do sometimes find myself in this chicken/egg status dilemma, along with still not being satisfied with my fashion sense. obviously still have much work ahead of me, but with God on my side...) (that was a long side note, as it were. Thank you, rambling). Some content may simply be analysis of a particular field/ phenomenon/discipline/ or institution in social science. I am definitely looking forward to discussing the post2015 Sustainable Development Goals that will be pertinent to the Agenda of the UN convening in September ( or it might actually be separate from that, we'll see)

I hope to be as consistent as possible, owing no one but myself the privilege of being able to express my thoughts within the parameters of this box. God willing of course (don't want to have too much of a creator mind set).

So that is all that I have to share with you all today, but definitely check out my one words, as it will contain content that hints at the blog posts to come in the future -G.W.- (you may notice a difference in text style for those particular ones...or you may not. imploring an 'observant' PT from you all as well).


Distant admirations:

Bonkas x Alone  x Pretty Brown Eyes

Funmi-ism: Don't worry. Hakuna Matata. live in Schloss Sans soucci. Que sera sera my nigga cos, whatever will be will eventually be.

N.B: not all of my 'funmi-ism's will be in rhyme prose. This is more of an assurance to myself than anything else, as being too contrived/"cheesy" as rhyming tends to implicate, irks me.

One Words: Tanzanaian x Kenyan x | Intersectionalities x The Muslim Panther | UNICEF | Real tears at the internship x Phillipines | North Korea, the rising hegemon in a non-western setting - What is non-western, in this 21st century? | Post to be? Omariondontcomeback - "gotta eat that booty like groceries or like ayamase". | weight goals on flop ( this week) | slight ear pains | SE was lowest yesterday, man. I do realise that I am veering away from the whole premise behind 'one-words', but sha allow it. | Minority discrimination? Ah passt schoen, cos they're the victims | I need a job paroles x confusion x renders me useless | black men love weave more | Newtown 'aint' so new | Tasty Guinness punch that I had to purchase due to having to use the nearest toilet available as a result of my still pending bladder on flop issues. | Sudanese bants at internship. mate. Sudanese come in all colors, except this guy looked Nigerian. weird..but he did speak the language). | Summer Ln. Church of Christ | hair paroles | I did work out last week. YAY me! | Tanzanaian qualms | blind man - pregnant woman x hotel | style puzzle sad | Syrian, Eritrean, Pakistan, Somalian,  Sudanese, Ethiopian, Nigerian, Phillipines, North Korea
| typing skills l'oke 'loke.

G.W. - God Willing
P.T - Personality Trait
my nigga - guy *nigerian accent*

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Gradual Transformative Change x distant admirations.

"sometimes, I fail to show my appreciation / Thank you Lord."

Just a few minutes ago, I visited the Google webpage, and as is the norm, today's Google Doodle was just lovely. I admired it of course - yet, I noticed an aspect of my reaction that differed greatly from my reaction to previous Google Doodles: this time around, I distantly admired the Google Doodle.

Distantly admire: to take an object for what it is, without any impulse to emulate it or attempt to recreate it. Your reaction to that object thus shifts from aspiring participatory or creator status, to that of simply appreciating its existence. It's not every day that one should aspire to be a part of something or some project; sometimes just appreciate.

This is one of the first times that this has ever been the term to describe my reaction, and for this I am grateful.

This reaction is much needed, as I am slowly by His grace getting to that point where I have to start deciding to which activity/engagement is best for me to exert my energies into. a raison d'etre, as it were.

A true typology, speaking on behalf of the as we speak change that is slowly becoming visually apparent ( me blogging about this change is my attempt at non-aggrandizement of this change that I speak of).

Also, Dad came through my city this past week, and it was a wonderful experience, being able to hang out with him in this more mature and more positive state. He also affirmed me in the "work that God has started" (please disconnect this last phrase from any past clichéd statement that you've heard in the past that includes this. Please. And if you cannot, my sincerest apologies). We  discussed a few pressing current issues, such as Africa's gradual dilapidation due to it's ever-growing stark Dependencia. He does not have any more hope for the continent, and to be sincere, I think my hat is slowly coming off as well, with that of 'stability' to take its place (for a whole host of reasons mate, including the historical, cultural, and social characteristics of many countries within that continent that cause to ship to sink even before it sails, and also because of the external influences that require policy changes from the countries and institutions that have relations with the continent... alright obviously this explanation is looking as if it could stand strong as its own blog post, so I'll move on, with intention of creating one concerning this in the near future.

So moving on,

Actually that is it.


Other distant admirations:
- Don Jazzy's verse in "Gift" (Iyanya x Don Jazzy)
- BattaBox

Things to work on this week:
-Consistently writing
-Absolve myself from  profligate spending x going to shops.
-Being on task.
-Knowing what I want.

Funmiism -There are different lanes on the highway for a reason ( well, some highways); Winter  never interferes with Summer's season.

one words: semi awkward, not comfy after church meet me's  | The tablets are working? | German quiz night for the win x awon latecomers | silifa | late night cook paroles | Red cross x dad |

Have a wonderful week everyone and make it blessed, babe (Brum accent).