Monday, September 30, 2024

God's Mercy, Moves, + Other Stories.

Written July 19th, 2024. Sorry i'm late. 

 It’s the middle of the year. I’ve been doing a lot of praying/fasting with my aunt in the UK (big shout aunty Vivian) and God’s mercy has been a recurring theme throughout the different prayer sessions I’ve tuned into this month. So much so that I’d hear it one place and hear about it in a totally different time, place, experience. If that’s not confirmation of His Word, I don't know what else is. 

Psalm 26:3 

Psalm 25:6

Isaiah 30:18

Lamentations 3:22

I remember writing in 2015 about the grace of God. It’s cool how almost 10 years later, His mercy is the topic du jure. Very much a full circle thing given the all-too-common rhetoric of his grace and mercy following us all the days of our lives. 

God’s grace grants me favor; God’s mercy keeps me grounded. It keeps me grateful for everything I have and don’t have. 

In the words of the great K.W., 

Everything I’m not, makes me everything I am. 

This is the perfect segue to discuss my recent move. I’m moving to Chicago, Illinois. I haven’t quite worked out the kinks (whether just a seasonal move, permanent move, etc) but given that I'm writing this while out here, I took the first step, which is to come and get a feel of the city/ look at some apartments. While I’m not a stranger to moving, this is a move that was definitely not planned. I honestly thought I’d love Dallas (or somehow find my niche and permanent footing there), but 18 months and a few trial and errors later, I really had to admit to myself that I wasn’t happy nor was I on the way to achieving a lifestyle I was satisfied with using the resources available to me in Dallas.  I firmly believe that there’s only so much internal happiness can do if externally (i.e. day to day) you feel like you're living a life you're only tolerating. And that’s how I felt by my 13th month in Dallas. 

See this tweet for reference

Upon considering this move, I had to really think about exactly where I wanted to be. What is my ideal lifestyle? In which instances, even from childhood was I extremely satisfied with my day-to-day life? I thought about my 2013 internship in Berlin, Germany when I was commuting to work daily (albeit in the freezing cold). It felt cool being able to people watch on my commute home on the S-Bahn to Pankow. I was satisfied. I thought about my simple walks to the nail salon up the street the years I was carless as a young adult in Atlanta and living with my parents. I was satisfied. I thought about when I did my masters in Birmingham, UK and commuting to the city center or to class and going to the bull Ring shops thereafter (and tbh same goes for London and other places I visited while there). I was satisfied. 

I think about my day to day in Dallas and how it's very much opposite to these experiences. At the time I moved to Texas, there were tradeoffs that made the move worth it (needing stability, and the job opportunity namely). Fast forward to present day, and those tradeoffs are no more there (I now have my investment home and can use it to rent out to others and a remote job). 

Given that I no longer have anything tying me down to Dallas, I am very much willing to figure out the city that works for me.

The rest of this was written September 30, 2024. Happy to be here. 

It’s the end of the third quarter, I’ve officially moved to Chicago + I think I’m going to like it here.

Whatever didn't work out moves me one step closer to what does. Everything I'm not, makes me everything I am. 

watch this space. 

Funmi Oke

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