Thursday, May 30, 2024

5 reasons why I like my career

Like is doing alot of heavy lifting here because my ideal job is one that involves not working, but here we are :)

I’m a business immigration attorney/ specialist, aka I facilitate the transfer or movement of skilled professionals from one country to another, with a primary focus on U.S. immigration processes.

Here are 5 reasons why I like what I do: 

  1. You can practice from anywhere. While in law school, my mentor in the field shared this as one of the perks she has experienced while practicing. U.S. immigration’s jurisdiction is federal and not limited to a particular state. Many law firms with a business immigration specialty do require their attorneys to be lisenced in the the state the firm is based, but equally as many don’t for the above stated reason. Most specifically, if you go solo, you can practice out of any country you want to as long as you have access to submit filings to USCIS and don’t need to represent persons in court (which biz imm generally doesn’t require). This aspect of business immigration is perfect for my itinerant proclivities. 
  2. It’s a niche field but also expansive in ways you can practice. You can work at firms of different sizes, you can go in-house, you can become a global mobility specialist, you can go solo, and so on so forth. Pivoting at any point in your career is quite easy because the base legal foundation is the same - its iteration is whats different depending on the job type.
  3. It involves corporate practice (which means the opportunity to make a ton of money) but at the same time your work directly assists people. Win-win in my book.
  4. I have a personal affinity towards immigration given my personal background.
  5. Administrative law is a field I excelled in while in law school, so needless to say I’m good at navigating through the legal tenets of U.S. administrative agencies related to immigration law such as USCIS, DOL, and CBP. 

Bonus: i studied international affairs in my undergraduate program and also studied global governance in my masters program, so I am utilizing concepts mastered in both programs in my career. 

If anyone is interested in this field of law or know anyone interested in global mobility as a career path in general, please contact me at I am always happy to provide mentorship/guidance. 


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