Tuesday, April 9, 2024

I build shit: lessons in dating


While on my run today, many thoughts raced (pun intended) through my head including the thought of me building things. 


As a child, I got a kick out of solving problems, even if it required spending days working on said problem. From fixing my broken Furby, to that one tricky algebra II problem in high school, I never gave up until I found a solution. 


The satisfaction adrenaline rush that comes from solving problems or building something sustainable, gets me every time. I don’t problem-solve on a daily basis as much as I used to, but I do enjoy building systems. Nowadays, either through a regimen or routine or a lifestyle that, when imbibed over time, yields positive results in me achieving my goals. 


It is so interesting how this interest flows into my dating preferences. A few girlfriends and I here in Dallas were at brunch the other day discussing the men we are/were into before settling down (for some of us). I was ruling out so many professions of interest (Doctor? No. Lawyer? No. So who do you go for? Tech bros. Engineers. I say authoritatively). If there ever was any consistent pattern to note in my dating history, it would be how I tend to go for men in TEM (not the S, please). I am mostly attracted to (by profession) systematic thinkers, individuals that use thought processes to build systems, write code, engage in systematic spaces and thrive. 


Again, this probably stems (pun or no pun?) from my innate desire to build myself. Am I naturally good at building? Not so much (hence the days it took me on my Furby as a kid, and why I don’t do it as much anymore). Am I attracted to those that are? Yes. 


opposites do attract, they say. Abstract spacey learned dreamer meets uber structural nerdy tech/engineer/architect dude.


What are your dating preferences? What does it say about you? 


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