Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Intentional Repetiton


While in law school, a friend of mine had Burna Boy’s “Dangote” bursting from his car speakers every time we would meet up. It happened frequently enough for me to eventually ask him if this was his favorite song at that point in time, to which his response was “I play it daily, as motivation for me to get to where I need to be” (or something along those lines, because law school was a blur, but that interaction stuck).

 Just like his intentional repetition of this song, so is the power of habits in other ramifications of our lives. Not to oversimplify one of the best books I have read in the past few years, James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” speaks to such a power and provides strategies for effective implementation (i.e. – if you want to drink more water, placing a water jug by your bedside allows for easier access to implement this habit, than say, your water just always being in the fridge). My biggest buy in to habit implementation, if you will, is seeing how helpful it has been to accomplish a goal or just my general wellness. From the daily habit of studying that helped me pass the bar exam, to shaving daily to the point where my morning routine feels incomplete without it. Habits help.

Not all habits are easy to implement at the start. I can’t remember how often I studied inconsistently at the start of preparing for the bar exam until I built a steady pattern, repeated environment, coffee shop, book store, and all, but there was a clear difference in routine from the beginning to the end. Even with my daily shaving, purchasing a surplus of sticks was a game changer in implementing that habit, because I knew that I wasn’t running out of it any time soon. I have felt and seen a marked improvement in my cleanliness since implementing this habit.

Now, to developing a habit of writing. I want to become a better writer by the end of 2024. Before, I was quite lackadaisical about this practice. Since society’s sharp turn to visual content at the start of 2013, I felt as if there was no point since my writing won’t be consumed as much as visuals. It was only recently that I approached writing with a different mindset, simply that, just like any other hobby, my own interest in writing is enough for me to keep engaging, eyes on it or not. Writing will be one of the practices I intend to repeat consistently in the coming year. I enjoyed it as part of my travel blog, so I am sure transitioning to creative/general writing will not be so grudging.


Here are a few other intentions for the new year – I plan to flesh out the details in my personal journal:

·        Joining a community in my home base in the U.S.

·        Read more and complete my reading list for the year – becoming a better wordsmith along the way. I reckon the more I read, the more it will help improve my writing skills

·        Take on more clients with Oke Legal Group + provide informational immigration content

·        Organize various areas of my life - e.g. actually go through all travel folders and place them in their respective folders, and approach my folders at work with the same organizational approach

·        Use social media less and find things that bring more fulfillment to fill my time with

·        I would include the “you know what” here, but I want to trust God utterly and completely in this regard in the coming year that when the time is right, it will happen. For now, I enjoy the things I enjoy and build engaging projects along the way. To be honest, I find that when I am enjoying my projects, hobbies, and routine, I am concerned way less about that thing.

Here’s to our intentional repetitions. May they carry us where we want or need to be.


Funmi Oke





Monday, December 25, 2023

An Immaculate Prayer

It’s 7:44pm in Lagos, Nigeria. As I was leaving one of my close friends’ place to enter my Bolt, she noticed a full moon. She quickly pointed it out and told me to state my hearts’ desires. This then segued into an intense moment of prayer on both sides, and I felt the presence of God as she interceded on my behalf. Just me and her, with baby in hand, and God in our midst. 

I am grateful for this moment, and to a larger extent, this season. Without sounding trite, I know God aligned these moments perfectly. That in turn speaks to the way in which He is aligning my future. I thus shouldn’t fear, but should rather completely trust Him. Trust His plans for my life and know that He has far greater in store for me than I can imagine. 

It’s now 7:54 pm. As I sit in this standstill traffic on the way to Lekki, I have nothing but gratitude in my heart and hope for the future.

p.s. - Henceforth, I intend to edit all my posts before posting. 

-Funmi Oke 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

catch dynamic flights.

 One of the reasons why I enjoy international flights is because of the interesting people I get to meet. It’s almost as if it’s the default now to meet interesting people if you book an international flight (n.B. this has been my experience mostly for travel outside of North America). It is also a lovely precursor to what should be a meeting of interesting people in the destination country.

Here are the people I met on my Egypt Air flight:

An older Nigerian Igbo couple basically didn’t leave my side at the boarding gate when they realized I was Nigerian (how they realized this, I am still not too sure). Once we got to the layover city, they asked if I was going to Abuja. I informed them no that my destination is Nairobi and wished them a safe travel onward.

Myself and a babe from New Dehli, India started getting to talk whilst looking for the immigration counter at the layover city. Apparently she was returning home for good after her inability to find work in her dream career of theater acting. I wanted to give her a hug.

The guy I sat next to on the flight insisted he is from Paris. Upon a few more “where are you really from”s he shared that he is of Mali origin. We spoke about different topics ranging from the pandemic, to body image, to the coup amongst other things.

An elderly man that only spoke only Arabic was meant to return to a specific counter and so another man was using his best English to try to explain this. Soon as someone pointed out he speaks only Arabic, that same man switched to Arabic to explain. The elderly man still didn’t follow the directions.

I enjoyed this aspect of travel and appreciate the interesting people I meet along my way. 

Funmi Oke

Friday, December 1, 2023

Living Single


I was reminded of the show Living Single yesterday, one of my favorite shows growing up. Similar to Girlfriends, I am rewatching (currently on episode 6) and wondering how this show kept my attention at such a young age. None of the topics or continuity points for the show were relevant to this 13 year old kid (ok dating, maybe). But to be fair, I started watching Living Single in my mid to late teens.

Watching the show now in my early thirties, I see alot of the things I go through in my day-to-day life mirrored on-screen. Again, the amount of Black sitcoms in the 90’s and early 2000’s  is highly under discussed. I wonder what the push for this was, as there is nearly not as much nowadays (TV/streaming dynamics have largely changed to be fair). Kelsey Grammar is considering a reboot of Girlfriends, as was reported earlier this week. 

Nonetheless, it’s always great to indulge in nostalgic media here and there, and dare I say that sometimes they tend to be better than present day media (tiktok, I am directly talking about you). 

Funmi Oke