Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Interesting Articles I've Read.

i am keeping track of the interesting articles i've read. link here

xo, f.o. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Burna’s Boy.

 This will be a recap on my weekend (read: week, thanks to the dallas heat im running away from) in new york city.

I attended Burna Boy’s show at Citi Field. This was my first “Love, Damini” show (I was forced to sit last years out due to the bar exam and I missed this year's Dallas show due to substance chocolate), and it did not disappoint. It was even better given the crowd (read: my section was lit). This wasn’t my most memorable trip to the city though, and it really got me realizing that no matter how much I try to deny it or do things to show otherwise, I really am getting older. 

My responsibilities that precluded my ability to fully “vibe out” on this trip (read: ride a bike on a whim through a park, just sit and watch people in said park, get lost in the city, be aimless and do aimless things) reminded me of this.

My friends also not having said time reminded me of this. 

Said limited time along with my overestimating how much energy I would have after a work day also served as a painful reminder. 

All of this was compounded by my general lack of interest in engaging in said exploration, given my current focus on work. I hate to admit this, especially given how I am not the “career woman” type, but I have also learned that multitasking multiple big tasks (i.e. - traveling and working) is not the most effective nor productive use of time, especially with the start of a new job. I am thus putting myself on a travel hiatus, pausing all non-essential travel till December. It’s a sacrifice I have to make to really be present at my job, and at this point, it’s a sacrifice worth making (read: im about to be bored af, but iiwii).

The next few points I have to make are just general observations from the last week/ during my trip:

1.) I'm getting finer. maybe to do with not being in Dallas weather or to do with my previous cleanse but enjoying it nonetheless.

2.)  I literally cannot operate outside of God’s guidance. I pray I consistently seek this in all my engagements. This past week has taught me the importance of this.

3.) I officially ended things with someone that felt special at a point in time. It hurts now, but I'll laugh later. 

4.) Taking things one day at a time is a blessing. 

xo f.o.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Maame’s flatmates

 Here’s a review of the first fiction book I finished for the summer, Maame x Jessica George + other stories: 

(n.B/ please don’t expect a review from every book I finish. As the spirit leads.)

Maame’ was a nice read. The protagonist really dealt with both internal and external struggles, all leading up to the passing of her father. My only criticism is the seemingly random insert of Maame inheriting 50,000 p’s from her dad at the very end. I wish the author would let her remain “normal”, and not necessarily have her come into wealth. I get why though (to show that all her hard work was not all for nothing, and equally, that her mother and brother’s nonchalance yielded consequence). I nevertheless would have wanted the focus of the protagonist’s growth to be purely emotional. 

That aside, one of her encounters with her flatmates got me thinking about my own prior experiences with flatmates. My most memorable flatmate was my Spanish flatmate from Catalonia, whom I shared a flat with while studying in the UK. Upon entering the new year, 2015, she told me a new year's tradition from her culture was to put as much grapes in your mouth. I will share its significance below (once I research it because I forgot). I will never forget her nor those moments. We ran along the Birmingham canal together, ate together, went shopping together, and most importantly, laughed together. Here’s to people that I’ll probably never forget - because of their kindness & the memories shared.

xo tito