Sunday, February 14, 2016

For my People.

Happy Bola'ntines day!
#selflove #kanyetaughtme 
(this is the last time I'll be using hashtag on this blog)

I hope everyone that celebrates this day is enjoying it to the fullest, as neglecting to do so because of a one-sided/narrow-minded approach  towards  this day 1) hinders your happiness 2) causes you to lose sight of the people that love you. Love you & yours fam. Love you & yours. 

Now that all that mushy stuff is out of the way, (as if Funmi, queen of mushy, won't be peddling more emotional sentiment as this  blog goes along), let's get to the main gist. 

For my People. 

This year, or to put it better, to mark the new year, one of the many mantras that I adopted is "It's bigger than me." This means, everything I do - from the big engagements to the small projects and tasks - make some kind of big impact, bigger than I would have simplemindedly thought at that given point in time. To be honest, this quote underpins every single action of mine, & it comes at a point after which I alloted a year of self-love (my year away), with aim to by his grace selflessly thereafter "give myself" to the world. On that note, I very much approach all of my projects, tasks, and even self-improvement engagements with this attitude of it not necessarily being for me, but for the benefit of others. For example, I have made it a point to be working out consistently as I am studying, as I do have personal projects that, when they come into full effect, I hope will be of full benefit to the world (read: my small communities).

This phrase also describes my personal goal at the moment of (re)building relationships with others. Seeing my personality and my love language, its a bit disconcerting to see the current state of my friendship box & how I'm failing at this personal goal. & a bit confusing at the same time. It is as if I spent the past year trying to work on myself so much so that I would be confident enough to cultivate the most healthy relationships - I am firm believer in having a sound sense of self that guards against one-sided/half ass/ shallow relationships. I lacked that in my high school and college years, and I did not want to wilfully enter into the next stage/step without gaining thankfully, this Masters program was my saving grace, my Nutribullet, my sharp shooting shooter -- that allowed for a full restoration of confidence & so much more.....but my goodness. to see how much I am still not engaging, is weird. Maybe I forgot to consider the fact that people were going also grow up and be just as "busy" as me. Swear, half the time, maybe we are all sitting down (in our free times) and staring at our social networks waiting for each other to actually contact each other. Waiting for each other to make the first move. The negatives  of the widespread nature of contemporary social media, I guess. This would actually be an interesting research to conduct, but the way my feelings toward academia and research are set up at the moment, I'm the last person to even want to spearhead such a study.

Anyway, just know that everything I am doing here and beyond, is for my people.

You all know who you are. I hope I do too.


Thursday, February 11, 2016


I've missed you so much!

Ah, I actually cannot believe I have been away for 39 days!
By golly.

Well, Now that I think about it, it was a purposeful exit.

Cos "Bit** I'm back. By Popular Demand"

To catch you up:

-I have a slight potty mouth now.
-I stopped believing in God for about a week or two. I've since returned to my foundational roots, Jesus.
- I went to PARIS!
- I am in love with the color pink.
- My british accent skills are second to none.
- My emotions are literally on roller coaster mode; jumping from excited, to depressed, to paranoid about my future.
- August 8 2020 (Saturday) heart eyes.  - insider.
- On Monday, I wanted to be Beyonce (performer/dancer), Tuesday a fashion designer/stylist, Wednesday morning a blogger/vlogger/writer & evening an academic/lawyer.  Just to show you how straight I am on knowing what I want to be in life.
- I turned 24 & it was one of the more happy birthday's that I've had in a while. Besos.  *Beyonce voice*

-Jhene Aiko has been on repeat *Sail Out mixtape* Whoo.

What else?

-I've been playing around with the phrase "anubi" - could be a blog title? a label  title? Hmmm.
-Kanye's confidence is contagious.
-Samantha Power is my current role model. That may change within the next day or month or year...hmm.
-Chicago's been on my mind lately. My heart is tugging to live there like crazy, so I have been strategically applying for jobs there....& if all else already know *wink*
 -I've been working out! & improving (well, trying to) my skin health!
-I no longer put culture on the pedestal that I used to put it on. Nigeria/Nigerian music specifically. So I am very much mentally prepared to return to America & become its b*tch temporarily. Take all of me, 'Murica. This destruction has been a long time coming. Finally!!

What to look forward to: Creative expression through dance, fashion, and visual media. Academic advancement. Consistent updating of the blog (of course) & a new more tailored to the public blog on the way!
