Friday, June 14, 2013

5:00 am.

Insomnia is an unfortunate symptom.
My eyes hurt. but I can't sleep. whaaa.


So I've really been feelin' the "Dance for Me" X Wizkid off the EME album lately, and the song is quality. But pretty much, this blogpost is about how iconic of a song Pakurumo X Wizkid is, & the video just enhances its greatness.

A song, in my opinion is iconic if it's a song that one would NEVER get tired of hearing two to three years down the road. One could possibly say the same for "Dami Duro" X Davido, but that's highly debatable.

Hmmm let's go ahead and dissect the song to see what makes it one of the best hits to come out of Africa (& some of Africa oeno it though).

1. The beat - the beat of the song in itself is A1. It's a successful mix of a western beat to the traditional Yoruba beat/instruments. Which brings me to reason #2.

2. Wizkids (or his songwriters) inclusion of Yoruba in the lyrics makes the song not only unique in itself, but also appealing to the general Yoruba audience (young and old)

3. Thus it being played at celebrations...& when a song is played at celebrations (where the old and young are)'s guaranteed a hit.

4. You really want to Pakurumo as soon as the beat drops. Kudos to the producers and Wizzy.

5. The video. Classic tins. While the video has much order to it, and it has a well developed storyline, it never fails to lose sight of what I feel they wanted the viewers to grasp - light hearted, harmless fun being had and happiness all around (the parts in the video where Wizkid and others are in a photobooth type room just bruhaha'in it up, case in point).

Or maybe I'm being too general & realize this song is only as iconic in the Yoruba society. But the Yoruba culture and society is the best society to be a part of anyway... but that's another blog post for another day.

In the meantime, enjoy the video from one correct guy.....who is providing Banky with much needed guap...for now lol.

Pakurumo X Wizkid

2 million views, btw. my assumptions are slick correct haha.

& one could argue that Kukere is more iconic than Pakurumo (& you'd probably win the argument), but I'm sticking to my biased opinion, lol...& frankly I'm tried of hearing "All my ladies, all my ladies..." at celebrations.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

New posts coming soon!

Even though I am not longer in Berlin....I am still going to make proper use of this blog to express my thoughts whenever the need arises.

& it kind of still makes sense (continuing to use this blog) because whilst in Berlin for those 2 1/2 months, aka the longest winter ever, I feel as if I experienced many things & have been shaped by such experiences to the point where I can say that, that "omoge in Berlin" persona still dwells within me.

So even though I'm not an omoge in Berlin (for the time being), I am still an.... Omoge in Berlin.

& every time I utilize this space, I am reminded of my motivation to one day return to Europe (Western Europe, to be more specific).


Oh yea, posts to come:

-A comprehensive look at my journey.

- First impressions part 2. (it won't make sense now. but I owe it to myself)

-The black people explanation.