Saturday, February 23, 2013

They say the best way to learn a language is to sleep with it.

& by sleeping with it,  I mean having sex with a person that speaks the language of which you're trying to learn. 

Of coure, this saying is not mean to be taken literally, it's supposed to be a crude humor type joke that relates to becoming more fluent in a language you're learning as a result of being in a relationship with someone that speaks the language you're trying to learn. But it can also mean sleeping with the person, as here in Europe, sex is like peeing, everyone does it. sex & PDA. That's another blog post, for another day (when I'm fully recovered from my Berlinale experience & am ready to talk about it.) Thank God for being washed in the blood. 

Aannnny way. 

Back to the joke. 

I've heard this joke from to people already. 

The first person is my landlady. She is mad fluent in english....why? she dated and had a baby with her english teacher. go figure. 

The second was this guy from Madrid that I met while on a tour of the Reichstag. He learned German due to his relocating to Berlin "because of love" (to put it in his own words). Go figure. 

well since I'm not about that life, 

I will just go ahead and improve my fluency the old fashioned way: 

Speaking it with a friend  [check]

Reading a book [check]

watching a T.V. comedy series [check]

needless to say,  I hope that y'all can "come see me" [look at how much I've improved] by the end of my stay here. 3 months is definitely not enough time, but what is impossible with God? 

Challenge on. 

-OB <3

For nothing is impossible with God
Luke 1:37

Sunday, February 17, 2013

You are here?

Welcome to my blog. 
It's definitely been a long time coming.
A long time of contemplating whether or not I should go through with this blog.
A long time of technical difficulties that discourage me at the end of the day.
One day I'd be all pumped to do this.
The next day.............yea, you get the drift.
But all the more.
                                          You are here.

I recently turned 21, and as expected, I did a little reflection on my life thus far.
& I really sat down to reflect. Wrote "21 promises" to myself and everything.

Basically, the statement that really sums up my reflection is

I am here.

I am alive for a reason. I am here to make a difference. I am here to be the best person that I can be. To maximize my potential. To inspire and be inspired. To praise His name & let Him be glorified through my life.

So my question for you all is : are you here?

On that note, I hope you enjoy this blog. It's basically my version of Berlin, among other things- I will definitely use this trip as an excuse to also blog about myself, haha. So I hope you all gain much from this blog, as the main goal is to quench the thirst  of  your curious minds that may be eager to know what I'm doing, or about Berlin as a whole (well my version :)) )

My brother (Feyi) was my inspiration to really get this on the tracks & moving, seeing how he kept asking me questions about Berlin when I last talked to him.

So thankfully I can utilize this blog to organize my thoughts, so that I can fully share my version of Berlin with you all.
So for now (till the end of March),

I am here.
I am an Omoge in Berlin.

- OB <3

[I am here in Berlin, interning by the way.]

As for God, His way is perfect;
The word of the Lord is proven;
He is a shield to all who trust in Him.
[Psalm 18:30]