Friday, November 8, 2013

It's Friday!!

Hallo Leute!

So it's Homecoming Week at my university, but i'm turned down because i'm sick & sad.
Two horrible combinations in life......

Anyhow, I'll just give you all a brief update on my life thus far:

So I've finally come to terms with the fact that I am NOT  taking the LSAT in December *gasp*. Shocker, right? Well honestly, it is not a shocker to God, who has been trying to get me to not study for this since the Summer. It's just my stubborn self that insisted on the fact that I must sit for this exam by fire by force. Thank God, for that fact that He has a plan for me though, and I can't wait to eventually look back on how such a plan was successfully  carried out in my life.

Reasons I'm not taking the LSAT in December

10. A lesson in not doing things to please others/make yourself look good in front of the eyes of others. 
I'm slowly learning this concept, yet I have not fully embraced it, being that I'm still telling people that studying is going great even though.....womp. See technically I'm still in the studying phase, though and will be in such a phase until hmmm December 2014. Ay caramba, a full year of studying. Well that's what I need & is what I plan to do. Hopefully they have testing sites in Germany *drucke daume drucke daume drucke daume* *speak into existence* x3. Which brings me to my next point.

9. I honestly had in mind to spend some time overseas before law school. So Germany is my first option. I am applying for three programs there: Fulbright, DAAD, & CBYX. Ki Olorun ko dari ese mi si ibi rere l'oruko Jesu. Like I'm constantly thinking, I have time to get this JD. let me fulfill my other goals before doing so, especially being that I'm still in my youth. JD can come later *Bane voice*.  One of those other goals being German fluency. Bruh. So close I can almost taste it. Let me get into any of these programs, by the grace of God, and bro.....wrap it's a. & plus, right about now, Western Europe is the place to be.

8. A crazy feeling that I have is that God might be using any of these programs, to allow me to be a light in Germany. It's crazy to think that, but God's way, no one can comprehend. I fine with that & am ready to be used by him. 

7. Kind of relates to #9 but needs it's own section, because it relates to trusting God. Like I said before, I don't have in mind to go to law school right out of undergrad.  Thus, if I were to sit for the exam,  apply to law schools and get in, I would defer my enrollment to the school that I got into, contingent on the fact that I got into any of the programs listed above. So basically, I am not moving in faith with my post-grad plans, stressing myself out simply because I don't trust God to do what He said he would do, trying to create a back-up plan for myself, even if it was not a school of choice (ex. getting into a lower-tier school, and going just to say I have a concrete post grad plan). & once again, I was also using this law school thing as a crutch for recognition amongst a society that is not even worth me being recognized in. Like I need to prove something. Bruh that's bondage. & the moment I truly become free is when I give people the correct reply once they pop the big question. 

6. Bruh, I don't even know what exactly I want to do with my life, and is law school the best avenue to take to fulfill that plan? All of these questions I need to answer before I commit to paying at least more than $20,000 a year for education in law. Like really needs to be answered thoroughly. Like right now the only motivation I would have to study law would be financial stability, and that might be the only reason later, actually, because the Development route I want to take for  a good 5-6 years does not require a law degree.

5. My current grades are subpar, and what is worth doing is worth doing well. If I want to go to law school, I want to go to the best school. I mean one tier ranking school, especially to make up for my piss poor performance in undergrad. I'm not a slacker, nor am I lazy. I just suffered from a huge disorder of not believing in myself. But that's totally not the case now, hence this blog post. I will achieve my dreams with or without law school & that's a fact & is all I need to make it. "If you don't buy into you, then how can others?". Anyway, I want to spend these last two semesters improving my grades, so there is no point in me sitting for the LSAT, when I am not even ready to apply in this cycle.

4. The LSAT is hard. I definitely need to study for this exam when nothing else is diverting my attention. & I pray to God I don't become that sit at home graduate that does so (not to knock any of you all, but my home is not what's popping. Well if it's God's will, then so be it). 

3. A Masters program studying governance, democracy, and/or human rights sounds awesome. I definitely believe doing so will help me know what I want to do in life, and I don't want to take out more loans, dropping guap to do so. Hence my applying for a DAAD grant.

2. People are sleeping on Western Europe. Like I said in #9, it's the place to be. I had a blast, even though it was cold when I was in Berlin. So understated, but if I were to want to elaborate, I run the risk of writing a paragraph upon paragraph long explanation. We'll leave it at "blast". So I'm possibly considering relocating there, rendering my JD obsolete (maybe). & this is not a decision I can make in a few months, nor is it even up to me to even decide if I want to relocate (job opportunities, spouse, etc. are all factors in this decision). So it's best to weigh all my options, taking it the next logical step would be to spend more than three months in this region & see how I like it. *Drucke Daume*

1.  I'm a free bird, that loves seeing the world, etc. So why feel confined to having to do something I am not ready for, looking for society's opinion, approval, disapproval, etc? 

I need to take lessons from a few of the people that know what's up & run with it. 

Hopefully in sharing my long thought out decision, someone else is inspired. 

*Sound Saturday is tomorrow!* 

Goooooooo Dawgs! 


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Perfect Arches! Get Awesome Eyebrows (eyebrow tutorial)

Don't forget, funms.