Saturday, October 12, 2013


I just took a look at my posts from the summer.....& I love every single one of them.
Especially "extra credit" & "college monster".


Sound Saturday!

Sweet Home X Klever Jay 

Ije Love X Dubie 

One of a friend of mines recent wonderful encounter with the concept of love reminded me of the simple beauty and truth of love: Either it is, or it isn't (as India. Arie states). Love is not practical & can't be fit into an economical thought process (like saying, "one get's married to someone that provides them comfortability). It's more than that, & I lost sight of this over the past few months. Too thankful for such reminder.  Enjoy these two beautiful songs that relate to that crazy thing called love.

In other news....

Check out my new blog!

Update tins.

So right now, I'm at the most confused stage of my life. & Post-grad plans is the source of such confusion/headache/younameit.

I'm going to do one words for all of the possibilities that are swimming around my head right now. All of which I am not guaranteed to get.

Law school. FSOT. Fulbright. Grad school. Americorps. Enlisting.

Ok, I thought it was much more than this, but in my head all of these things are much bigger & play a huge role in weighing my spirits down.

SO much debating, confusion, etc. & it's so sad. Like, I'm not even going to cry about it. I'm just. Confused.

It's like, I know what exactly what I want to do: eliminate the stigma of bad governance in African's just getting there that's the problem.

I'm on the mainland of undergrad, and the island of eliminating bad governance in Africa is right there, off in the distance. I can see its speck. I just need to find that bridge I can walk across to get there.

Is there even a bridge?
